OAK PARK — On Oct. 20, the American Middle East Christian Congress (AMECC), in collaboration with the Middle East Council of Churches and organizations, hosted a successful health fair, including physicians, pharmacists, attorneys, organizations and representatives from government and U.S. Congressional offices, who offered free services to attendees, to benefit the community.
Over 600 citizens received free medical, pharmaceutical, legal and social services.

Attendees were able to receive onsite advice from health specialists in areas such as internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, oncology, dermatology, pain management and bone disease. They also had the opportunity to take advantage of a full spectrum of blood testing and mammogram and cervical cancer referrals.
With regard to legal services, counselors and attorneys advised the community on general legal affairs, disability and Social Security, civil and criminal law, intellectual property and immigration.
Also available were physical therapy, paramedical and auxiliary services, such as social services, home care and hospice.
A representative from the Iraqi Consulate of Detroit was present to assist newly migrated individuals and expatriates with issues related to the Consulate.
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