DEARBORN—Throughout the holy month of Ramadan, the charitable group Project Dignity has been collecting food donations from local Arab women who are eager to help feed Detroit’s needy.
Nahid Ayoub, the founder of Project Dignity has been picking up the food donations and dropping them off to the homeless in front of the Neighborhood Service Organization multiple times a day.
A lot of the food donations include Ramadan left overs. Ayoub said some people have even ordered fresh food from restaurants for her to pick up for the needy.
“They are eating two to three times a day thanks to these generous women,” Ayoub said. Ramadan is a time where Muslims fulfill charitable obligations and give back to the less fortunate.
Project Dignity’s work focuses on the needy and bringing attention to the issue of poverty. “We have some amazing women in our community,” Ayoub said.
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