Amal Fawaz, a single mother of two boys, is currently searching for a bone marrow donor after undergoing four months of chemotherapy for her non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Her cancer returned in fall 2011, and is not responding to the treatments this time around, highlighting the need of a transplant in order to beat the disease.
In honor of Fawaz, three bone marrow drives are being held this week at the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn at 19500 Ford Road. The remaining two drives will run from 9 p.m.-11:30 p.m. at the Islamic Center on July 25 and 26, during which participants are asked to get a quick, easy and painless swab in order to be tested.
Their results will be sent in to the national registry in order to increase the pool of potential donors for Fawaz and others; people of similar ethnicities are often more likely to be a match. Previously, a drive was held in honor of Fawaz at Greenfield Manor in Dearborn.
Financial gifts to cover the cost of adding members to the registry are also welcomed. To donate, visit
For more info on the drives, contact Nahid Ayoub at 313-443- 2222 or Lisa Saad 313-736-7863.
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