DEARBORN — Concerns are being raised about the social media posts of a candidate in the race for Michigan’s 15th House District. Dorn Zurawski, a lifelong Dearborn resident, is accused of making derogatory and racist remarks about Arabs and Muslims on social media. One Facebook post features a woman wearing the Niqab who appears to be crying over a man. The photo features a wedding ring box with an explosive devise in it and the wording, “He went to Jihad’s.”“lol, you know that this is wrong, but funny as hell,” Zurawski wrote on the post. Zurawski also commented on a FOX 2 article about the 2011 visit of a Florida pastor who came to protest against Muslims outside the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn. “(sic) Let freedom ring, about dam time an American stands up for America we are born here and have less rights and privileges then someone who got here last week, if more and more speak up us too can start to live the America dream.” In another post about the protests against police brutality in Ferguson, MO., Zurawski wrote, “(sic) Unbelievable the people in Ferguson doing this right now are not human they are animals, what a disgrace lets not remember the incident but burn your city down so it may forever be imbedded in your minds. All I gotta say is there are some ignorant, m ffers out there and I’m sure their parents are proud. SMH I hope they don’t need auto parts a hamburger or there hair did tomorrow.”Zurawski denies posting any of the comments or photos. He said he tried to locate the posts himself, but couldn’t find them. “This is not something I would do or say today, tomorrow or any time in the future,” he said. Zurawski said he believes he could represent the community well as a lawmaker in Lansing. “They have to know me to love me,” he said. “I am not a bad guy. I am not a racist, regardless of anything. I’ll help anyone.” Zurawski is a Dearborn-based small business owner. The race for the 15th House District is already heating up. Other candidates include Democrat Brian Stone, who served in the Navy for four years and was deployed overseas for three; Democrat Hussein Berry, who previously served as the president of the Dearborn Board of Education and Republican Paul Sophiea, a Dearborn resident of 27 years who previously worked as a part-time college instructor. This is Berry’s third time running for state representative. He unsuccessfully ran against State Rep. Harvey Santana twice.Stone said it is critical for the next Dearborn state representative to have a profound respect for all people in the city. “The candidate has to be able to understand Dearborn’s diverse communities and see themselves as part of a movement to improve Dearborn’s education and infrastructure,” he said. “They should be sensitive towards the civil rights issues and bigotry the Arab American community faces.”Zurawski said he supports diversity and has Muslim friends and relatives. “My nephew and two great nephews are Muslim,” he said. “One of my best friends of 20 years went to the hajj.” Zurawski added that he volunteered once at the Islamic Center of America. “I believe everyone should work together regardless of race,” he said. Zurawski said he is running for state representative in Dearborn because he wants to give what he can offer to the community and city. “I believe I can make a change in the diversity and the outlook on diversity in the city and fight for the community in Lansing,” he said. One of the issues he wants to focus on is equal opportunity for women and women’s rights.Sami Khaldi, the president of the Dearborn Democratic Club, said the organization does not tolerate hate against any community. “All candidates should be tolerant towards the Arab community,” he said. “They have to be open minded accept the diversity of our community.”

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