DEARBORN – The Board of Education announced the selection of Dr. Glenn Maleyko as the new Superintendent of Dearborn Public Schools on Monday, June 22.
Maleyko will replace Brian Whiston in the post beginning July 1st.
Maleyko and Associate Superintendent of General Education for the Shiawassee RESD, Dr. John Van Wagoner, completed final interviews with the Board during a special public meeting held on June 18.
The Board spent the weekend reviewing both candidates’ credentials and checking references before reaching their decision at the Monday Board meeting.
Maleyko earned his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Wayne State University. His dissertation was an in-depth analysis of standardize testing in four states. As a result of his research he has a passion for addressing the concerns regarding the over testing of students.
This year will mark Maleyko’s 12th year in the district where he started as a substitute teacher at Oakman Elementary.
He spent much of his time in Dearborn working at Salina Elementary first as a teacher, then as Assistant Principal, and then taking on the Principal position when the school changed to a 4th through 8th grade building. Dr. Maleyko was instrumental in leading the team that designed the new Salina Elementary and community center/gymnasium addition at the existing Salina School.
After a two year stay as Principal at DuVall Elementary, Maleyko moved to Central Office as Human Resource Director and later named Executive Director of Staff and Student Services.
As Executive Director he helped restructure the administrative staff saving the district more than $600,000. He was instrumental in building strong relationships between the administration and unions during several difficult contract negotiations that resulted in cost savings, protecting jobs, and ensuring resources remained in the classroom.
Maleyko also directed the efforts to train more than 80 administrators in the use of a teacher evaluation system developed through a partnership between the District and the Dearborn Federation of Teachers.
Maleyko has received several awards and accolades for his work over the years. He has also embraced the use of technology as both a tool for teaching and communicating with parents.
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