DEARBORN — Hundreds of Sam Salamey’s family members and supporters gathered inside of the Michael A. Guido Theater at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center on Wednesday to witness the 19th District Court Chief Judge’s Investiture Ceremony. Salamey was sworn in by Honorable Justice Brian Zahra of the Michigan Supreme Court, becoming the first Arab American judge of the city of Dearborn.
The Master of Ceremonies, 20th District Court Judge David Turfe, introduced over a dozen judges, local leaders, and Salamey family members to help kick off Salamey’s run on the bench by honoring him with special remarks and presenting him with his robe and gavel. Those in attendance at the ceremony included Dearborn Mayor Jack O’Reilly, 3rd Circuit Court Judges David Allen, Charlene Elder, and Gregory Bill, Attorney Susan A. Dabaja, Attorney and President of AAPAC Mariam Bazzi, Attorney Helal A. Farhat, United States District Court Judge George Caram Steeh, Sir Michael Berry and his daughter Attorney Laura Berry Harris.
Local religious leaders were also in attendance, including Imam Mohammad Mardini from the American Muslim Center and Father George Shalhoub of St. Mary’s Church. Also present was Dearborn Police Chief Ron Haddad, the Dearborn Police Honor Guard, Dearborn Veterans and the Boy Scout Troop of Sacred Heart.
Judge Turfe began the ceremony by discussing Salamey’s long journey to his victory, which included 27 years of law practice and a previous run for the 19th District Court Judge seat in 2006, where he came up short of winning the primary. Turfe said it was Salamey’s dedication and desire that ultimately lead to his victory.
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Salamey with his wife Joumana, three sons and daughter. |
“Throughout this campaign, Judge Salamey was constantly reminded that he could not win. History was not on his side. Statistics told him that he couldn’t get votes here, and he couldn’t get votes there. The polls were not encouraging, but what people, statistics, history and polls cannot measure is one’s heart and desire. Judge Salamey’s heart and desire allowed him to overcome all the obstacles of the campaign, and to block out all the distractions from his peripheral vision,” Judge Turfe stated.
Attorney Susan A. Dabaja, recognized the aggressive campaign run by Salamey and his campaign manager Mallak Beydoun, stating that their historic campaign set a new precedent in the community and that it would be most likely be studied and emulated in local politics for years to come. Beydoun will follow Salamey to the 19th District Court, as he has selected her to serve as his court clerk.
Mayor Jack O’Reilly, who endorsed Salamey’s candidacy during his run, took the podium to highlight Salamey’s hard work, stating that he defeated all the odds that were against him. Mayor O’Reilly recognized Salamey’s qualifications and said they were a big part of why the Supreme Court selected him to be the Chief Judge of Dearborn.
“The Supreme Court had the wisdom to choose our own Judge Sam Salamey as the Chief Judge of the 19th District Court. In my mind that is more than needs to be said about his character and ability,” Mayor O’Reilly stated.
Attorney Mariam Bazzi took the podium to discuss the level of support Salamey garnered from the community in Dearborn, stating that it showed the kind of impact the Arab American vote can have in local elections.
“This election has shown the power of the Arab vote. Judge Salamey was supported not just by AAPAC, but by all of the community’s organizations and leaders, whether Lebanese, Yemeni, Iraqi or any other Arab nationality. We all stood together at the polls because he was the most qualified candidate for the 19th District Court. I would like to thank Judge Salamey for bringing the Dearborn community together…Through this victory we have learned that when this community wants something, the community will get it done,” Bazzi said on the podium.
Presenting Sam Salamey with his gavel was Sir Michael Berry and his daughter Attorney Laura Berry Harris. Salamey had closely worked with the Berry’s in the past when he was practicing at their law firm. The Berry’s told the crowd that they recognized Salamey’s dedication not only as a lawyer, but as a citizen of the country and as a family man.
Presenting Salamey with his robe was his wife Joumana, his three sons Mike, Ali and Hassan, and his daughter Zeinab, who earlier in the ceremony sang a rendition of the National Anthem. Joumana, along with her three sons briefly spoke to the crowd.
“The attributes that have made Sam such a great life partner and father are the same attributes that will propel him forward to succeed…It makes me proud to know that the authentic qualities he implemented into our family, contributing to our success, will now be implemented into our extended family, the city of Dearborn,” Salamey’s wife Joumana stated.
Before assisting Salamey in taking his oath into office, Honorable Michigan Supreme Court Justice Brian Zahra told the audience that he was proud to see Salamey serve the community. Justice Zahra explained that like his very own parents, Salamey came to the U.S. as an immigrant in pursuit of a better life. After taking his oath, Salamey took the podium to address the room full of supporters and family members, who gave him a standing ovation.
“Rest assured that the burning passion and the driving energy exhibited through the long campaign will neither diminish or dissipate, but will be transformed into one wavering dedication and devotion to Dearborn and it’s citizens…I’m looking forward to giving you all my undivided loyalty and dedication. I have no doubt about the great prospects of our future and I know that we will succeed, because we are one community, because we are one people, because we are one city, because we are Dearborn,” Salamey told the crowd at the end of the event.
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