HIGHLAND PARK— Rima Fakih, the former 2010 Miss USA, is expected to have a court hearing at the Highland Park 30th District Court House on Dec. 21 at 2 p.m. according to the Detroit Free Press. Fakih was charged with a misdemeanor for drunk driving on Dec. 3 in Highland Park. Reports show the pageant winner blew a 0.20 which is over the legal limit of 0.08. Fakih is facing up to 93 days in jail. Her attorney, Doraid Elder, said Fakih was driving on behalf of a friend who was too intoxicated to operate the vehicle. A report from the Associated Press shows after being pulled over Fakih immediately identified herself as Miss USA. Police say a half full wine bottle was found behind the driver’s seat. The vehicle, a Jaguar, wasn’t owned by Fakih. Local ABC affiliate WXYZ reports that the vehicle owner, April Fakhouri, wasn’t in the car at the time of the incident, and said she was upset about its condition when she got it back. Fakhouri said the windows were left open and the interior was wet from the rain. When the news first broke, Fakih denied the allegations on her Twitter account stating she wasn’t in the state at the time of the incident. Afterwards her lawyer confirmed it was in fact Fakih. The online comments were immediately removed. g
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