In this midterm election, crucial races will decide who governs our state, represents us in Congress and makes policies for our schools.
Besides the much-publicized tight race for governor, three seats on the Dearborn Board of Education are up for grabs. For the Crestwood Board of Education, three candidates are running to fill two seats. Board of Education races will shape our schools and ultimately our children’s future for the next six years and beyond. We cannot afford to turn our back on our children.
Lack of participation on Nov. 4 is not an option.
Our votes in each election increase the community’s impact on the political landscape of the region.
When we turn out in large numbers and create a voting bloc, politicians cannot overlook us. They will have to recognize our interests and answer to our concerns. The power of the Arab vote is already manifesting itself. Let us grow it.
In the lead up to this election, most candidates have held fundraisers in Dearborn and tried to appeal to the Arab American community, pledging to be committed to diversity in their offices if elected.
But it is not only about the influence of the Arab community. Society as a whole improves when all of its segments are represented. Your vote represents you. Cast it.
The biased U.S. foreign policy towards our homelands, the erosion of our civil rights and the unfair immigration laws may discourage some residents from being involved in U.S. politics.
However, our interest in the politics of our countries of origin should not distract us from local concerns. As former Speaker of the . House of Representatives Tip O’Neill said: “All politics is local.”
Change at the local level is possible and much more within our reach, and as Arab Americans, we need to invest in this area. Let us start the change in our own backyards — our schools, municipalities, counties and state — by showing up to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 4.
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