The National Arab American Medical Association is launching a volunteer medical mission to Jordan to provide medical assistance to displaced Syrian refugees.
The mission is being led by NAAMA member and chair of the group’s Syria Liaison Committee, Dr. Humam Akbik, volunteers will be in Jordan from March 22 through March 28, to provide medical treatment and medication to as many refugees as possible in Amman, Irbid and Al-Za’atari Refugee Camp.
Currently, about 20 U.S.-based physicians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, teachers and other non-medical volunteers have signed up for the mission and seven Jordan-based volunteers will join once the NAAMA delegation arrives.

The group is seeking more local volunteers who’re willing to donate their time and participate in this important humanitarian effort which is crucial to bringing relief to innocent victims of the ongoing Syrian crisis. Those who are willing to become volunteers are responsible for their own traveling expenses, including airfare, hotels and meals.
The volunteers will work in hospitals and clinics, conducting needed surgeries and screenings, providing medical care and medicine to as many Syrian refugees as possible.
NAAMA is in urgent need of physical rehabilitation, physicians, physical therapists and wound care specialists. The procedures these professionals will perform could save lives. On Friday, Mar. 1 the NAAMA Michigan Chapter hosted a fundraiser to raise money for Syrian refugees who’re living in countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey among others. About 200 people attended, and $7,000 was raised according to NAAMA Michigan Chapter President Dr. Sam Fawaz, who practices internal medicine at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. Fawaz says an image he saw of a young boy sleeping in the snow after fleeing Syria is what prompted him to hold the event. Fawaz says refugees are being forced to live in Arctic weather with limited resources.
NAAMA has made previous efforts to assist people suffering as a result of the Syrian crisis. “Even if people donate as little as $10, every donation counts and can make a difference,” Fawaz said.
“When I saw that image, I couldn’t help but wonder, ‘what is this little boy enduring,”’ said Fawaz. “I was thinking about what we could do to help him.”
Fawaz said that many Syrian refugees need basic living essentials, such as blankets that people take for granted everyday. He expressed concern that humanitarian situations occurring in parts of the Arab World have not received as much global attention as the 2010 Haiti Earthquake and other events.
“The Arab World has been neglected,” Fawaz said.
Those interested in joining the mission can contact NAAMA’s National Office at 248.646.3661.
Those who want to make financial donations to NAAMA can visit and contribute to its Emergency Medical Relief Fund, and specify where they want their donations to be used.
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