The corporate media and the authorities are having a field day lavishing saturation coverage on the so-called New York “terror plot” in which four men, three of them U.S. citizens, supposedly planned to blow up a Jewish temple and shoot down military planes, feverishly citing it as another example of why we should accept police state measures in major cities and the targeting of American citizens as “domestic terrorists.”
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Defendants James Cromitie (2nd R), Onta Williams (2nd L) and David Williams (3rd L), stand with an attorney in this courtroom sketch of their arraignment, in White Planes, New York, May 21, 2009. New York’s mayor and police chief sought to calm Jewish worshipers on Thursday, the morning after authorities said they foiled a plot to blow up two synagogues and simultaneously shoot down military planes. Four men arrested in the suspected plot were due to appear in court later in the day in White Plains, New York. Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said all four had criminal records and did not appear to be part of al Qaeda. REUTERS/Christine Cornell |
Just as in every other case, the men will likely turn out to be naive dropouts who eagerly followed the fed’s lead in the pursuit of a promise of massive cash gifts and a way out of their miserable poverty-stricken lives. However, this won’t be reported with one iota of the gusto that the corporate media are pushing this story today.
What we already know for sure is that the men had been under FBI surveillance for nearly a year. The fact that it took the feds nearly 12 months to get the men to accept fake weapons in order for them to be charged with “conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction within the United States” is evidence in and of itself that this was a case of entrapment, which is only confirmed when we learn that “The FBI and other agencies monitored the men and provided an inactive missile and inert C-4 to the informant for the defendants.”
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said that “the group was relatively unsophisticated, penetrated early and not connected to any outside group.”
Once again, the FBI identified a disparate group of men that shared the majority of the country’s opinion that the war on terror was wrong, radicalized them, offered them cash incentives for following the lead of the FBI informant and then finally, after a year, got them to accept fake weapons. As in every other case, without the involvement of the FBI informant, there would have been no “terror plot” to speak of.
The feds cooked up a phony terror plot and pinned it on these poor suckers so that they could launch a new PR assault for the flagging war on terror and get Americans to submit to increased surveillance, bag searches and checkpoints that are now commonplace in New York City.
This whole PR stunt is another psychological trick designed to enlist public support for the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq as well as a police state at home to deal with “domestic terrorists.” We learn that the suspects were upset about “Muslim people were being killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan by U.S. military forces,” according to officials, the implication being that anyone who opposes the “war on terror” is a potential terrorist themselves.
Officials have seized upon the arrests to propagandize for the police state with glee, as well as refocusing the apparatus of the war on terror to target U.S. citizens as “homegrown terrorists.”
“This latest attempt to attack our freedoms shows that the homeland security threats against New York City are sadly all too real and underscores why we must remain vigilant in our efforts to prevent terrorism,” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a statement.
“This was a long, well-planned investigation, and it shows how real the threat is from homegrown terrorists,” said Rep. Peter King, of New York.
“The shocking plan to blow up a Jewish house of prayer with what the jihadist terrorists thought were C-4 explosives is dramatic proof that the dangers from such fanaticism have not passed and that American Jews must maintain their vigilance,” said a statement released by the infamous Simon Wiesenthal Center, which routinely cites the threat of federally-provocateured extremists as a reason to crush everyone’s free speech and virtually outlaw criticism of the government of Israel and Zionist policies.
Of course it’s no coincidence that this arrives on the heels of widespread fury surrounding the MIAC report and other similar federal documents that equate gun owners, people knowledgeable about the Constitution and people who display political bumper stickers as dangerous “domestic terrorists.” Officials have seized upon these arrests as a means of reinforcing the notion that “domestic terrorism” is a real threat when in reality we have never come across a “domestic terrorist” that didn’t have a fed standing behind him pulling the strings.
The last such major “domestic terror plot” in America involved a group out of Miami that supposedly planned to “wage a full ground war against the United States” and bomb the Sears Tower, but who actually turned out to be “a bunch of dipshits living in a warehouse,” as The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart described them.
As in every other case we have studied, the men turned out to be a stupid street gang that was provocateured by FBI agents into spewing violent rhetoric yet barely had the capability to make a cheese sandwich, never mind bring down the tallest building in America. What they were interested in was a promise of $50,000 in cash from the government informants who were sent in to radicalize them and create a phony victory for the war on terror.
As the Miami New Times newspaper described it, the “ragtag group couldn’t wage a ground war on a jar of peppercorns.” The whole case descended into a farce as judges repeatedly declared a mistrial while the government tried to save face. After three trials, three juries and nearly three years, the government finally managed to convict the men despite there being “little concrete evidence of an evolving plot,” as in one that was not wholly provocateured by the FBI informant.
While you watch today’s incessant government fearmongering and celebration of their latest “terror bust,” recall how last time they pulled this stunt, and the reality of the “dipshits in a warehouse” farce unfolded, it blew up in their faces and only exposed the entire “war on terror” for what it really is — a manufactured hoax designed purely around enlisting support for bombing brown people in broken-backed third world countries while convincing Americans to accept their own enslavement at home.
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