FAYETTEVILLE, North Carolina — A man in the city of Fayetteville is being charged for brutally murdering his uncle and business partner.
Detectives identified the victim as Fahd Mjalli, 41, of Fayetteville. Police said he was the uncle of the suspect, 32-year-old Mohammed Alradai.
Alradai and Mjalli got into an argument outside the front of the house on 6500 block of Carswell Drive which led to Alradai fatally shooting Mjalli with a handgun, according to authorities.
An arrest warrant said the younger man texted his uncle to meet him to discuss their business. Police said an argument developed and the older man was killed.
Mjalli was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
Alradai was charged with 1st degree murder in connection with the shooting. He was taken to the Cumberland County Detention Center under no bond.
Alradai had accused Mjalli early Sunday morning of stealing money from the business.
The businessmen were previously on police’s radar.
Fayetteville police executed a search warrant at Alraidai and Mjalli’s tobacco shop called Tobacco Life on June 8. Police discovered 2.42 pounds of synthetic cannabinoids and a handgun at the establishment.
Alradai was accused on June 8 of conspiring with Mjalli to sell more than 250 but less than 1250 grams of synthetic marijuana. Police obtained an arrest warrant charging Alraidai with trafficking synthetic cannabinoids and conspiracy.
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