DEARBORN — Voter turnout during primary elections is typically low across the state. In Dearborn on Tuesday, the voter turnout was 17 percent. There were 61,266 registered voters in the city, which has a population of roughly 100,000, but only 10,749 ballots were cast. Of that number, 2,924 republican ballots; 7,183 democratic ballots; and 642 nonpartisan ballots were cast. In addition, 522 crossover ballots were submitted.
Precincts located in West Dearborn were among the busiest. Voters in Precinct 41 cast 416 ballots at Haigh Elementary, the highest number among all 50 counted precincts. Voters in Precinct 42 cast 329 ballots at Dearborn High School. Snow Elementary School, which housed voting precincts 25 and 26, had a combined 700 ballots cast.
Meanwhile, turnout appeared to be lower at precincts with higher numbers of Arab American registered voters, including Salina Elementary School where precincts 20 and 21 combined only had a total of 115 ballots cast. Voters in Precinct 1 at McDonald Elementary School only cast 102 ballots; while voters in precinct 11 at William Ford Elementary only had 72 total ballots cast.
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