On Sept. 10, the Sterling Heights Planning Commission rejected the proposed mosque on 15 Mile Road.
As explained in a previous editorial, zoning and residential concerns against the mosque were thinly veiled lies that failed to hide the rampant Islamophobia expressed by bigots who opposed the house of worship. We have to organize and mobilize against this shameful decision.
On Thursday evening, hate triumphed. And the American spirit, the U.S. Constitution, the noble ideals that we sought in this land were defeated.
The first and most important Amendment of the Constitution states that government cannot restrict freedom of religion.
Building a mosque is an unquestionable aspect of Muslims’ rights to worship freely, just as Christians, Jews, Hindus and members of other faiths have the right to build their respective houses of worship.
As the Justice Department puts it, “The right to build, buy or lease a place to assemble for worship is an indispensable part of religious freedom.”
The City of Sterling Heights and the bigots standing behind it have violated our rights. As soon as the news spread about the planning commission’s shameful decision, dozens of rightly angry comments surfaced on the Internet.
We share that anger, but anger without action empowers our un-American foes, without empowering us.
We must act. We have no option but to protect our rights. Today, they took away our freedom to build house of worship; tomorrow they might question our right to exist here. But we are not guests in this country. We are citizens, model citizens.
Pick up the phone and call members of the planning commission to point out their disregard for the Constitution. Contact your representatives at the local, state and federal levels, asking them to condemn Sterling Heights’ xenophobia.
Call the Justice Department to open an investigation into the matter.
Words are powerful. Sterling Heights Mayor Michael Taylor apologized for initially opposing the mosque because of pressure brought by social media users, including a tweet by The Arab American News where we “mentioned” the Department of Justice.
We call on the federal authorities, particularly U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade, to open a civil rights investigation into the matter.
We also urge sensible businesses and leaders who care for America’s diversity to rethink holding events in Sterling Heights.
There is a recent precedent, where political and economic pressure had the State of Indiana reverse its decision to pass a “religious freedom” bill, which was seen as discriminatory against certain Americans.
After the un-American decision was pronounced, the bigots, who were mostly Chaldean, started chanting, “God Bless America,” paying no attention to what America is.
Below is contact information you may consider using.
The civil rights hot line at the U.S. Attorney’s office: 313-226-9100
The Justice Department on Twitter: @TheJusticeDept
The number of the Sterling Heights Office of Planning: 586-446-2360
The mayor of Sterling Heights on Twitter: @MayorMikeTaylor
The Sterling Heights City Hall page on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1L5nGfc
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