The Arab American News
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Daily sunscreen may prevent skin aging
Using sunscreen every day may help protect against aging skin, according to a new study from Australia.Although the benefits of sunscreen are well- know when it comes to preventing sunburns and lowering skin cancer risks, researchers said rigorous studies were lacking on how sunscreen use affects the signs of skin aging, or...Mediterranean diet is one of four lifestyle changes that reduce risk of death by 80 percent
BALTIMORE — Mediterranean diet, exercise, normal weight and not smoking are four life changes that help prevent heart disease, U.S. researchers say.Dr. Haitham Ahmed, an internal medicine resident with the Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease at Johns Hopkins, and colleagues found adopting the four lifestyle behaviors...Employment relationship in Michigan is no-strings-attached
An often misunderstood concept is what it means for an employee to be “wrongfully terminated.” Recently fired individuals sometimes seek the advice of an attorney regarding whether their previous employer may have run afoul of employment laws in terminating their employment. Almost always, the answer is “no.”In...50th anniversary commemoration of MLK march down Woodward Avenue
This month, leaders from all religious and cultural backgrounds, along with civil rights organizations, businesses and community members, will walk side-by-side to commemorate the 50 year anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's walk down Woodward Avenue in Detroit, after which he delivered his world famous "I have a dream speech,"...U.S. demands Hizbullah withdraw from Syria
May 31st, 20130 The United States, on Wednesday, demanded the immediate withdrawal of Hizbullah fighters from Syria, saying their active role in combat there was an "extremely dangerous escalation.""This is an unacceptable and extremely dangerous escalation. We demand that Hizbullah withdraw its fighters from Syria immediately," State Department...Russia struggles with U.S. and France to shape Geneva II
The Russians are on the offensive; the Americans are playing the role of the listener, and sometimes the arbiter; and the French are playing the role of the Syrian opposition’s defender. Thus seemed Monday’s (May 27) meeting that grouped the foreign ministers of Russia, Sergey Lavrov; the U.S., John Kerry; and France, Laurent...McCain seen with Lebanese pilgrims’ kidnappers during visit to Syria
Aleppo - The Obama administration said on Tuesday it knew in advance of a trip to Syria by U.S. Senator John McCain, a visit that raised questions over whether the Republican senator met with the kidnappers of a group of Lebanese pilgrims held hostage for the past year.U.S. officials had little to say about the trip by McCain, an...How Obama and al-Qaeda became Syrian bedfellows
For a president that is executing Bush’s “war on terror” against al-Qaeda and “its affiliates,” it seems odd that President Obama has targeted the secular Syrian government for “regime change.”Equally odd is that Obama’s strongest military ally on the ground in Syria- the best equipped and effective fighting force against...U.S. militarism in Mideast is radicalizing Iran
Iran was once on a path of liberalization and reform, before the U.S. Military began sowing destruction throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, following the attacks on the United States in 2001.Although now largely forgotten, the last president of Iran, Mohammad Khatami (1997-2005), was a liberal-minded reformer who fought for...Isolation devastates East Jerusalem economy
OCCUPIED EAST JERUSALEM — Thick locks hug the front gates of shuttered shops, now covered in graffiti and dust from lack of use. Only a handful of customers pass along the dimly lit road, sometimes stopping to check the ripeness of fruits and vegetables, or ordering meat in near-empty butcher shops.“All the shops are closed. I’m...Study: American Muslims volunteer twice as much as general public
Just over a month after the Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent arrest of one of the Muslim suspects, the spotlight has once again fallen on the American Muslim community. Yet, very little data exists about American Muslim communities. A new study, released by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU), provides a...Report: Over 500 killed throughout Iraq in May
Violence in Iraq has killed more than 500 people in May, AFP figures showed on Tuesday, as authorities struggled to contain a wave of sectarian unrest.Meanwhile the UN envoy to Iraq urged the country's leaders to meet to resolve long-running political crises that have paralyzed the government and been linked to its inability to reduce...Pentagon: The Chinese stole our newest weapons
The designs for more than two dozen major weapons systems used by the United States military have fallen into the hands of the Chinese, US Department of Defense officials say.Blueprints for the Pentagon’s most advanced weaponry, including the Black Hawk helicopter and the brand new Littoral Combat Ship, used by the Navy, have all been...Arab American presence, history and activism at UM-D
I came to the University of Michigan-Dearborn campus in 1973. As I look over the grade books from the decade after my arrival, very few Arab names appear on those lists. During my first year here (1973-74), not a single one was present. However, when I developed my course on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 1979,...Ficano speaks about career, community and controversy
May 31st, 20130 The Arab American News met with Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano Tuesday, at the paper’s office in Dearborn, to discuss with him some issues of interest to the Arab American community in Wayne County. Ficano candidly shared his thoughts on a range of topics, including the controversies that have plagued his administration and......
After 18 years, what’s next for the Arab International Festival?
May 31st, 20130 DEARBORN — The announcement of the cancellation of the 2013 Arab International Festival by the American Arab Chamber of Commerce has now been widely reported and questioned by locals and the media. The decision has drawn plenty of speculation and a wide range of opinions and emotions from community members on whether, or not, the...Home prices increase in the nation and in Dearborn
DEARBORN — Home prices around the country experienced the highest increase, in nearly seven years, during the month of March. In addition, consumer confidence was also at its highest, in five years, during the month of May.The S&P/Case Shiller composite index, which monitors home prices in 20 metropolitan areas, climbed 10.9...Mayor O’Reilly meets with residents regarding garage use concerns, ordinance
DEARBORN — Last Tuesday, Mayor Jack O'Reilly, along with seven planning commissioners and City Hall staff members, met with residents for a study session to discuss possible alternatives for a planned revision on a garage ordinance that can affect many local families.Garage use became an issue with the City in 2012, when City...Police close investigation into pressure cooker that distrupted Muslim conference at Adoba Hotel
May 31st, 20130 DEARBORN — The investigation into the pressure cooker discovered in a second floor restroom at the Adoba Hotel has been closed. The pressure cooker contained food remnants and is believed to have been left by a guest who used it to transport food to an event at the hotel. It is unknown whether the pot was left in the restroom......
Beirut, and love, and rain
Nizar Qabbani.Nizar Qabbani was a revolutionary lover, whose powerful poetry was known for its simple language. With aesthetic anger, he wrote verses that dealt with love, politics, nationalism, eroticism and feminism. He once declared love in Arab society as a "prisoner" that needs to be set free. Qabbani was born in Damascus in...Arab Americans create new businesses, boost local economy
The Arab American community continues to contribute to local economic growth in the Dearborn-Dearborn Heights area. Below is a preview of new businesses in town, run by Arab American entrepreneurs, who are looking to build a customer base through positive feedback. The Custard HutThe Custard Hut on Warren Avenue in Dearborn......
Federal court approves plan to build Islamic Academy
DEARBORN — A federal judge, this week, ruled to move the case forward on a request to build the Michigan Islamic Academy, an Islamic school, on property owned by the organization, which was previously denied by Pittsfield Township. CAIR-MI filed the lawsuit on behalf of MIA two years ago. Pittsfield Township and the township...HFCC to hold summer sports camps, June 24-25 and July 19-20
DEARBORN — Henry Ford Community College will hold a 2013 Summer Baseball Camp and a 2013 Lady Hawks Basketball Camp this summer. The 2013 Summer Baseball Camp is Monday, June 24, and Tuesday, June 25, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Papp Park, located at 9350 Westlake (at the corner of Westlake and Wick Road) in Taylor. This camp is......