The Arab American News
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Halal beauty product industry earns record high sales
Halal beauty products have become increasingly popular among women in the Middle East. According to a report in Reuters halal beauty products have earned $500 million for the global halal market. The products don't contain alcohol or pork like most cosmetics, and are instead made using plants and natural minerals. Dietary...Former Dearborn resident shot to death at convenience store
On September 18, former Dearborn resident Zaher Mansour's dream of beginning a new life in America was shattered after he was shot to death by two men outside of his "Stop and Shop" convenience store in Williamston, North Carolina. The incident occurred just before 2 p.m. in the store's parking lot. Williamston EMS announced Mansour...AG’s report on Imam’s death still leaves questions
Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox released a report Thursday, September 30 stating that the FBI agents responsible for the death of Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah were justified in their actions and that no laws were broken. The report refers to an investigation into the October 28, 2009 shooting of Abdullah which took place at a warehouse...Interfaith community members gather for dinner, dialogue
DEARBORN – On Monday, October 4, members of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths gathered to break bread upon a Middle Eastern feast of food and dialogue. The event was held at Amani's Restaurant with the topic of, "Getting to Know You: Beliefs of the Children of Abraham." In the name of the All Faiths Festival (AFF)...Israeli-Palestinian documentary showcases non-violent resistance
A documentary film entitled "The Little Town of Bethlehem" based on the lives of three men who witness the overwhelming violence in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, is now debuting at American universities. More than 100 people attended the film screening of "The Little Town of Bethlehem" at Wayne State. Photo: Natasha...Nationwide Israeli army PR campaign visits Michigan universities
October 2nd, 20100 With the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel gaining momentum nationwide, especially on campuses, it’s no surprise that some corporations and pro-Israeli groups are concerned about the growing pro-Palestinian movements. Israeli soldiers will speak on an upcoming PR campaign organized by StandWithUs...Harvard students speak out against honoring “anti- Arab bigot”
Harvard students and several organizations are expressing anger about the school’s Department of Social Studies recent decision to honor Marty Peretz, editor-in-chief of the New Republic magazine with a $650,000 fund that is being created in his name. The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) expressed dismay about the...Ford Motor Company and local dealer raise money for high school
DEARBORN — Ford Motor Company partnered with Village Ford and helped raise $5,300 for Dearborn High School (DHS) as part of Ford’s Drive One 4 UR School program on Tuesday, Sep.14. Approximately 265 people from Dearborn helped by test driving a Ford vehicle. For each participant from different households, Ford and Village Ford...Local Chaldeans to compete for Iraq in new international basketball tournament
Anthony Acho is preparing to live his lifelong dream. At the end of October, the 23-year-old West Bloomfield resident will be in China competing in an international basketball tournament. "I can’t believe this is happening. I never thought I would get to live my childhood dream of playing professional basketball,” Acho said. The...Michigan soccer’s new triple threat
October 2nd, 20100 As anyone who drove through east Dearborn during the World Cup this summer and saw the parade of favorite nations' car flags knows, soccer is a big deal in the Arab American community, and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor is hoping that it becomes just as popular in the campus community in the coming years. (L-R): Hamoody...Michigan-Dearborn panel tackles Islamophobia issues
While the media coverage that many people believed was divisive and rooted in fear-mongering about the proposed Islamic community center and the suspended plans by Florida pastor Terry Jones to burn a Qur'an has died down, the issue of Islamophobia in America remains an important topic. In response, the Muslim Student Association at the...Fall fun at the Dearborn Historical Museum
The Dearborn Historical Museum will be hosting “Fall Into Dearborn” on Saturday, Oct. 2, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the McFadden-Ross House, 915 Brady Street in Dearborn. “Fall into Dearborn” will feature Civil War Encampment; pumpkin carving; animal demonstrations with R.E.P.T.I.L.E., Inc.; music by Peter Madcat Ruth; and magic...AAPAC conducts endorsement interviews
The Arab American Political Action Committee (AAPAC) is conducting rounds of interviews for endorsements in the November general election. Interviews were held Saturday September 25 and will continue on Friday, Oct. 1 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday October 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Those who have requested endorsements include...Remembering a great leader
October 1st, 20100 Abdel-Nasser's accomplishments, shortcomings remembered on 40th anniversary of his death NasserIt was a day of remembrance and tributes on Tuesday, September 28 across Egypt and the Arab world as admirers marked the 40th anniversary of the death of highly influential late Egyptian president Gamal Abdel-Nasser. Thousands of...YABA celebrates 41 years of service at annual dinner
DEARBORN — The Yemeni American Benevolent Association (YABA) celebrated 41 years of service at its annual dinner on Saturday September 25 at the Bint Jebail Cultural Center in Dearborn. Guests included a number of community leaders and governmental officials who could attest to YABA’s spirit of service. The association was......
Candidates debate at League of Women Voters forum
Candidates competing in the Nov. 2 statewide election debated at the Dearborn City Council Chambers in a public forum held by the League of Women Voters of Dearborn and Dearborn Heights on Sep. 29. A debate between state representative candidates for the 15th district took place and included Republican Suzanne Sareini, Dearborn...National health reform: What does it mean to you?
The Michigan Blues anticipate that reform will bring about a more-level playing field where other insurers will no longer be able to cherry pick the young and healthy.In March, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, promising sweeping changes in the health care industry. Over the past few months, a...The Arabs and Iran
Regardless of Arab public opinion, governments in the Arab world remain largely authoritarian, with a demonstrated capacity to go against their public sentiment on critical issues, such as war. To be sure, there are always consequences for ignoring public opinion – and these may be growing – but when push comes to shove, governments...U.N. faces threat of irrelevancy amid big power politics
President Barack Obama talks with Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada at the G20 Summit opening Plenary Session at the Toronto Convention Center, Toronto, Canada June 27, 2010. Photo: Pete Souza.UNITED NATIONS (IPS) — The 192-member General Assembly began its 65th session under a perceived new threat: that the United Nations......
9/11 rescue workers still waiting for healthcare
NEW YORK – Election-year interparty political wrangling is threatening to again sabotage congressional efforts to provide medical help for tens of thousands of firefighters and other first responders whose health was damaged by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York's World Trade Center. As of June 2010, 836 of those...Riots grip East Jerusalem
SILWAN (IPS) – Tension, the twisted carcasses of gutted vehicles, buses with smashed windows, smouldering dumpsters, streets riddled with rubber-coated steel bullets and empty cartridge cases, tear-gas, and air thickened with black soot from burning tires marked the beginning of the fifth day – last Monday – of continuous rioting......
FBI raids on activists seen as political retribution
October 1st, 20100 Supporters of anti-war activists whose homes were raided by FBI agents gathered, Friday, Sept. 24, 2010 in Minneapolis.NEW YORK – Recent raids by federal agents on the homes and offices of peace activists are being viewed by civil libertarians and civil society groups as further proof that the U.S. is morphing into a "surveillance...Wisdom of the ‘terrorist’s son’
September 30th, 20100 Those who embrace violence, whether in the form of acts of terrorism or acts of war, are necrophiliacs. They worship death. They sacrifice life, including at times their own, for the heady intoxication that comes with becoming an angel of destruction. And in the wake of their fury and violence they not only leave grief, pain and......