The Arab American News
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UM-D officials meet with community leaders, discuss allegations of bias
May 23rd, 20090 DEARBORN — Top University of Michigan-Dearborn administrators are engaging American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and Congress of Arab American Organizations representatives in an ongoing dialogue addressing accusations of discrimination raised by members of the Arab Student Union on campus. Representatives of the...New York “terror plot” a government set-up?
May 23rd, 20090 The corporate media and the authorities are having a field day lavishing saturation coverage on the so-called New York "terror plot" in which four men, three of them U.S. citizens, supposedly planned to blow up a Jewish temple and shoot down military planes, feverishly citing it as another example of why we should accept police state...Pelosi-CIA contretemps may spark wider probe
NEW YORK (IPS) — Congressional Democrats and many Washington journalists are predicting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's current dispute with the Central Intelligence Agency may ultimately hasten the push toward the last thing Republicans want — a comprehensive investigation of prisoner detention and interrogation during the...AIPAC’s hidden persuaders
Despite the ballyhoo of the recent AIPAC national policy conference in Washington, when Israel-U.S. bonds were feted, relations between the two countries are currently more strained than at any time since 1991. That was when the elder George Bush, as U.S. president, fiercely lobbied Yitzhak Shamir to join in the Madrid peace conference....Community briefs: Memorial Day parade Monday in Dearborn
DEARBORN — The 85th annual Dearborn Memorial Parade is to be held Monday, May 25. Arab American military veterans with Dearborn youth during a past Memorial Day commemoration. The Parade will begin at 10 a.m. at Michigan Avenue and Firestone Street and will go to Michigan Avenue and Schaefer Road. Following the parade will...Cousins killed in hit-and-run
DEARBORN — The bodies of two Dearborn men killed in a Detroit car crash on May 17 were on their way to Lebanon on Thursday to be buried in their family homeland. Mahmoud Bazzi, 20, L, and Hussien El-Zaghir, 26, were killed on May 17 when an SUV ran a yield sign and crashed into the side of their Chevrolet Malibu on Detroit's...Support emerges for indicted attorney
May 23rd, 20090 DEARBORN — A group of Arab Americans has planned a June 5 event to show support for indicted attorney Tim Attalla. Tim Attalla The 49-year-old Miller-Canfield lawyer from Northville was recently accused of charges linked to a federal probe of the Michigan motorcycle gang the Highwaymen. Donations will be collected...Ohio woman seeks return of her kidnapped son
A Toledo woman is stepping up an international fight to get back her U.S.-born son, taken from her by her ex-husband in Oman in 2006. Mohamed Jaafar, allegedly taken away from his mother by his father in 2006. Mary Hariri, with the help of the U.S. State Department, the FBI and the National Center for Missing and Exploited...Obama has real chance to change Arab opinion
May 23rd, 20090 WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has a major opportunity to improve the mostly negative views about the United States in the Arab world, but is likely to have only a short period of time to do so, according to a major new survey of public opinion in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates...Extraordinary school, extraordinary student
DEARBORN — Each year, countless high school students dream of earning the opportunity to attend an Ivy League school. Samantha Yassine But very few of them get the chance to do so as quickly as Samantha Yassine of Fordson High School. The 17-year-old junior will depart for Harvard's summer school program on June 21st...Group observes Nakba anniversary, newspaper honored for 25 years of service
DEARBORN — Commemorating the Nabka is never easy, but for the peace and justice activists who organize somber and rallying observances every year, the importance of marking the anniversary can't be overstated. Palestine Office Michigan head Hasan Newash The Palestine Office of Michigan commemorated...Pope’s visit a political minefield
May 16th, 20090 This past week, Pope Benedict XVI traveled to Jordan, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Because he is a pope whose past comments have rankled Muslims and Jews alike, many scrutinized his every move. Given the context of a renewed American and European push for peace, which is seen as being at odds with the new Israeli...Hamas against Zionism, not Judaism
GAZA CITY (IPS) — A founding member of Hamas says he hates all weapons and insists that his organization is not anti-Jewish. A Palestinian holds a symbolic key during a Nakba rally in the West Bank city of Nablus May 14, 2009. Palestinians will mark "Nakba", or "Catastrophe", on May 15 to commemorate the time when hundreds of...Families down to a meal a day
May 16th, 20090 Palestinian refugees in Gaza. GAZA CITY (IPS) — Um Abdullah cannot remember the last time she was able to feed meat to her eight children. She does know that for the past week the single meal she cooked for them each day consisted only of lentils. And that on one day, she had received aid coupons from the United Nations,...Some give, some take
When President Hosni Mubarak and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visit Washington this month they will bring to U.S. President Barack Obama "a comprehensive project for Middle East peace" that will cover "not just the Palestinian issue but all that is related to Israeli occupation of Arab territories," Abbas said in Cairo......
Cronyism all the way
RAMALLAH — Mahmoud Al-Abed, 26, has given up trying to secure the passport that would allow him to travel outside of the Gaza Strip to continue his higher education in a Malaysian university. Like many Palestinians in Gaza, Al-Abed doesn't have a passport because they are supposed to be sent from Ramallah and, due to disputes with the...Iran releases jailed U.S. journalist
May 16th, 20090 A U.S.-born journalist jailed in Iran on charges of spying for the United States thanked those who helped win her release on Tuesday, after a court reduced and suspended an eight-year sentence handed down last month. U.S. born journalist Roxana Saberi (R), released from prison on Monday, stands next to her father Reza Saberi as...Yemen on the brink of war?
On May 3, the US Embassy in Sana'a issued a statement on the political violence in South Yemen that claimed eight lives last week. The United States stressed that "Yemen's unity depends on its ability to guarantee every citizen equal treatment under the law." What the Yemeni government calls unity, the protesters call...Israel knows that peace just doesn’t pay
Successive Israeli governments since 1993 certainly must have known what they were doing, being in no hurry to make peace with the Palestinians. As representatives of Israeli society, these governments understood that peace would involve serious damage to national interests. Israeli settlements Economic damage: The......
How to make the neocons crazy over the Middle East: Tell them the truth
Old Charlie Krauthammer, the neocon who won't go away, is at it again. Charlie Krauthammer Now he's hammering at an old favorite target — the Hamas party and its political leader, Khaled Meshal — and its new accomplice, that scurrilously liberal newspaper, the New York Times. The Times' latest moral fault (according...NAACP A century of freedom fighting
May 16th, 20090 A hundred years after its establishment, the nation's oldest civil rights organization is still expanding its influence, taking on universal issues and bringing more causes, movements and communities under its wing. Rev. Jesse Jackson, L, CNN analyst T.J. Holmes, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Detroit chapter President Rev.......
Group to observe Al-Nakba anniversary
DEARBORN — The Palestine Office-Michigan is preparing to commemorate the 61st anniversary of "Al-Nakba" — Arabic for "the catastrophe" — with an event at the Hyatt Regency, 600 Town Center Drive in Dearborn at 6:30 p.m. A Palestinian child, wearing traditional clothes, takes part in a march at the Ain el-Hilweh refugee...Ticket-fixing scam uncovered in Dearborn
DEARBORN — A local police officer will be forced to stand trial after he was charged with operating a traffic ticket scam in the city of Dearborn. From top left, counterclockwise, Ramirez, Hojaije, Charara, Nimer. Dearborn officer Alex Brian Ramirez will face five separate felony charges, each carrying a penalty of five years......