The Arab American News
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Event raises money for orphans in Lebanon
September 26th, 20080 Dearborn — The Al-Mabarrat Charitable Organization U.S.A. (AMCO USA) will be holding its fourteenth annual fundraising dinner this Saturday, September 27, at the Islamic Center of America, located at 19500 Ford Road. The program will begin at 6:30 and will run until the fast breaking meal is served. Since 1994, the...Charter school offers Arabic classes, diverse atmosphere
September 26th, 20080 A charter school in east Dearborn that focuses on diversity and Arabic language instruction reached out to the community on Tuesday in an open house event aimed at bringing parents, teachers, students and friends closer together. The event wasn't a typical school open house, said Dearborn Academy principal Caterina Berry. In...Voters’ forums to be held in Dearborn, Dearborn Heights
September 26th, 20080 The League of Women Voters of Dearborn-Dearborn Heights is sponsoring four forums on September 30 and October 1, to get voters familiar with various candidates running for office in November. The first is scheduled at 7 p.m. at Dearborn City Hall inside Council Chambers, featuring the two judicial candidates for 19th District...Deadline to register to vote approaching
September 26th, 20080 Citizens who want to participate in one of the most historic US elections ever have to make sure they're registered soon, as the October 6 deadline to secure a ballot approaches. Registering to vote is easy, but remains one of the biggest obstacles to turning out big numbers on election day. Some basic questions about getting...Students cap off Ramadan by gathering help for needy
September 26th, 20080 A group of ninth-graders at Al-Ihsan Academy, a private school housed inside the Islamic Center of Detroit, is gathering thousands of food items to donate the needy as Ramadan winds down. The school has a food drive every year, but this year a group of boys and girls wanted to take it to the next level. "We wanted to share it...Meisner challenging Dohany for Oakland treasurer seat
September 26th, 20080 While people across Michigan view Oakland County as the most prosperous in the state, that doesn't mean it is immune to the financial trouble and problems other counties have faced. The foreclosure crisis in particular has hit Oakland County hard, with 14,071 filings in 2007 according to Andy Meisner. It is no surprise that the...Two Board of Education seats up for grabs
September 26th, 20080 DEARBORN — When Dearborn voters make their final decisions on a presidential candidate and cast their ballots November 4, among the other choices they'll have to make at the polls will be picking two of five candidates for the local Board of Education. BlackburnCandidates include incumbents Aimee Blackburn and Sharon Dulmage,...ACC’s 29th Annual Civic & Humanitarian Awards Gala
September 26th, 20080 ACC: 29th Annual Civic & Humanitarian Awards Gala The Art of Giving - The Seven Mile Development Initiative The Arab American and Chaldean Council's 29th Annual Civic & Humanitarian Awards Gala was held on September 13, 2008 at the Renaissance Center in downtown Detroit to celebrate the power of human creativity and...Turning the Palestinian cause into Medusa
In Greek mythology, there is a famous story about the beautiful Medusa who was turned into a horrific monster with hair of serpents. The transformation came about as "punishment" by the goddess Athena after the sea god Poseidon raped Medusa at Athena's sacred temple. The story goes on to say that anyone who looked...New FBI investigative powers deeply troubling
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is deeply troubled by new guidelines that will give federal law enforcement authorities carte blanche to conduct investigations of individuals on the mere suspicion of questionable activity or upon meeting the FBI's assessment of what it considers a threat. This change will...America must prepare for a declining economy
In most of the populist energy plans offered by the Democrats and Republicans, there is an assumption of economic growth that is going to follow off-shore drilling of oil. The implied assumption is that we will have natural resources with which to do more. This is blatantly un-true. I don't understand why it's so hard for...The crash of 2008
September 26th, 20080 The Crash of 2008, which is now wiping out trillions of dollars of our people's wealth, is, like the Crash of 1929, likely to mark the end of one era and the onset of another. The new era will see a more sober and much diminished America. The "Omnipower" and "Indispensable Nation" we heard about in all the hubris and braggadocio...Religious Jewish opposition to Zionism
Jewish anti-Zionism is an ongoing movement. It used to be the predominant voice, while today it is very much in the minority, largely because of the Holocaust. The book's subtitle, "A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism," is, however, rather misleading. More descriptive is the original French title, which...Victim of U.S. torture freed
Javed Yazamy gives the lie to Condoleezza Rice's most famous pronouncement: "We don't do torture." He had broken ribs, acquired at Bagram. His crime was that he, a journalist, went into Taliban territory and interviewed Taliban. Much of his work was for the Canadian television station CTV, serving as a translator...Incoherent agreement spells the way forward
BEIRUT (IPS) — The Lebanese unity government has finally came to terms with its ministerial declaration after weeks of political haggling. What promises and threats does the incoherent declaration hold for Lebanon in a polarized local and regional context? "The ministerial declaration is an impossible document that carries many......
Racism, propaganda, and the Palestinian right of return
Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, has recently issued statements in accordance with a framework agreement reached with Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, surrendering the inalienable right to return of roughly five million Palestinians to their land and homes that they were driven from primarily between the years of...The Bush Legacy in Michigan
Washington — In what supporters of the President have dubbed his "legacy year," Americans United for Change, the progressive issue-advocacy group best known for leading the successful fight to beat back President Bush's effort to privatize Social Security in 2005, has hit the road with its latest effort – the Bush Legacy...Third party and independent candidates present unified platform
Ron Paul held what he described as a "very important" press conference on September 10th in Washington, DC. The event brought four third party and independent candidates "together in unity" around a statement of principles. The event came as polls showed the presidential race tightening and third party/independent candidates getting...Poll: Arab Americans favor Obama by wide margin
September 26th, 20080 WASHINGTON (IPS) — With less than two months before the November elections, Arab American voters in the United States are poised to vote heavily Democratic, according to a poll released here by the Arab American Institute (AAI). The poll, which was conducted by Zogby International for AAI, a Washington-based lobby and public......
Neo-cons, ex-Israeli diplomats push Islamophobic video
September 26th, 20080 WASHINGTON (IPS) — A group of hard-line U.S. neo-conservatives and former Israeli diplomats, among others, are behind the mass distribution, ahead of the November U.S. presidential election, of a controversial DVD that critics have denounced as Islamophobic. The group, the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET), is working with...Bipartisan group urges deeper diplomacy with Muslim world
WASHINGTON (IPS) — In an implicit indictment of President George W. Bush's "global war on terror" and the hawkish pronouncements by Republican candidate John McCain, a bipartisan group of nearly three dozen U.S. leaders called here Wednesday for Bush's successor to place much greater emphasis on high-level diplomacy — including......
ACC gala honors charitable organizations
September 19th, 20080 DETROIT — A wide network of supporters of the Arab American and Chaldean Council (ACC) gathered at the Renaissance Center on Sept. 13 to celebrate the power of human creativity and generosity. At the 29th annual ACC Civic and Humanitarian Awards Gala, the group recognized Detroit-area charitable organizations and featured...Arab American PAC interviews candidates
September 19th, 20080 DEARBORN — With election season fast approaching, the Arab American Political Action Committee (AAPAC) conducted personal interviews of five local candidates at The Arab American News office in Dearborn on Monday. The goal of the interviews was to get to know each candidate on a deeper level through 15-minute question-and-answer......