The Arab American News
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Not this time
Responding today to the media storm over his pastor's inflammatory words, Barack Obama turned a tempest into an eloquent teaching moment on race in America. Barack Obama could have responded to the controversy that has been ginned up with regard to comments made by his former pastor with a safe and predictable...Hillary’s nasty pastorate
When it comes to unsavory religious affiliations, Hillary Clinton is a lot more vulnerable than Obama as are a surprising number of Washington's most powerful politicians. Who knew they were involved in a right wing extremist cult? There's a reason Hillary Clinton has remained relatively silent during the flap over...The Democrats’ problem with democracy
If the Democrats fail to elect their presidential candidate and allow the "super delegates" to select him/her in the smoke-filled back rooms at the convention in Denver, the Democrats could create a long-term problem with their base. This, along with the decision to disenfranchise the Democratic voters in Florida and Michigan, could...Young Arab Leaders meet in New York
March 21st, 20080 NEW YORK About two hundred American and Arab businesspeople met at a conference here March 13-15 to promote dialogue, under the premise that business relations can help build understanding and even peace between the U.S. and the Arab World. The Young Arab Leaders, a Dubai-based network of Arab businesspeople under 45 years old,...DDP looks to the future of Detroit
"There has been great success in just two short years in downtown Detroit," said Penske. "We have identified the organizations that are invested in the DDP's mission and have forged dynamic collaborations that have given us the support and tools we need to continue downtown's immense progress. Penske reviewed the...Evil can’t be kosher
OCCUPIED EAST JERUSALEM I realize very well that you are not carbon copies of each other. And I also know that there are many Jews around the world who truly despise what Israel has been doing to the Palestinian people in your name. I earnestly commend these conscientious Jews for their morality and human decency. It is these...Diane Rehm speaks in church lecture series
DEARBORN National Public Radio broadcaster Diane Rehm spoke at Christ Church in Grosse Pointe Farms on Wednesday, where hundreds gathered for the opportunity to put a face to a familiar voice. The host of "The Diane Rehm Show " appeared for the last installment of the church's Purple Perspective lecture series, which featured...If the Dems don’t stop fighting, McCain will win
It was delightful, those early days when Republicans were in fractious disarray and the Democratic field bloomed with interesting candidates like a pasture full of daffodils any of them! All of them! Bluebirds sang. We were rolling in good will. Now, however, John McCain has unified the right with a lizardy, smothering oil of...UMD students to protest on war anniversary
DEARBORN Students United For Peace & Justice at the University of Michigan Dearborn was organized to inform students of the injustice and inhumanity that many around the world are suffering. They seek to have a strong role in representing the abused, oppressed, and helpless victims who have had their rights and freedom stripped...Public safety, service academy in Detroit has internship openings
Detroit Applications for summer internships in the Mayor's Time Public Safety and Service Academy (MTPSA) will be available starting March 17th at the Detroit Fire Training Academy (2775 W. Warren) and the Detroit Police Department (DPD) Police Community Services office (7310 Woodward). Students and young adults ages 16-18 are...UM student groups put culture on display
ANN ARBOR Despite the world's turmoil, celebrations of culture and being together are an important part of the Arab American experience. Last Saturday evening, the Arab American student organizations of the University of Michigan held another installment of the lively annual cultural event, ArabXpressions. ...Associated Food & Petroleum Dealers applauds Michigan Senate for passing twice-monthly food stamp legislation
Farmington Hills, MI On Wednesday, March 12, the state Senate voted to make Michigan the first state in the nation to issue food stamps twice each month. The Associated Food & Petroleum Dealers (AFPD) and other supporters say the bill would make fresh food more readily available to food stamp recipients throughout the...All Arab names in food stamp fraud ring
DEARBORN Twenty seven people arrested by state police in February for alleged food card fraud all seem to be of Arab descent, judging by their namesall recognizable Arab family names. But a spokesperson for Attorney General Mike Cox's office said that doesn't necessarily mean there is a problem specific to the Arab American...Event honors Arab American judges
DETROIT The Lebanese American Chamber of Commerce (LACC) held its second annual Salute to Justice dinner banquet honoring distinguished Judges of Lebanese origin on Thursday, March 6, 2008 in Michigan. More than 200 guests attended the event from Washington, Ohio, Lansing, Ann Arbor and Windsor, Canada in addition to the...Arab American inventor showcases radar device
Arab American inventor showcases radar device Troy A Lebanese-owned company in Troy introduced a collision alert radar system Tuesday to be used in commercial trucks for detecting the danger of a possible crash. Radar Safety Technologies (RST) intends for the FrontAlert system to be used on commercial trucks......
Revered surgeon dies of cancer
Dr. Farouck Obeid, a well-known surgeon, author and professor, died March 7 after a yearlong battle with cancer. He was 58. Obeid was known as an energetic community leader and someone who went to great lengths to help medical students and others. A past president of the American Syrian Arab Cultural Association, those who...El-Astal sentenced after manslaughter plea
Dearborn Dearborn police played a critical role in the investigation of Mohammed El-Astal, 69, of Dearborn, who was sentenced to 11-15 years in prison on March 12 for his part in the killing of his son-in-law, Walid Alyoussef. El-Astal, originally charged with first degree murder, felony firearm, and disinterment...Missing the context on the yeshiva shooting spree
In this week's look at media coverage, one story really brought to light the lack of crucial context in American media coverage of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. How columnists and editorialists can write about events in Israel-Palestine as if they took place in a vacuum is a mystery. Though many people use the term "cycle...Daze of reckoning in Gaza
It took the Palestinian Authority investigative committee, headed by Tayeb Abdel Rahim, 49 sessions, 29 days and 128 hours to investigate the capture of Gaza by Hamas in June 2007. An original name was found for the committee: "The Investigative Committee on the Matter of the Failure of the Confrontation with the Illegal Armed......
Stop the false religious slurs against Obama
The religious slurs against Sen. Barack Obama must stop. So, too, the insinuation that to be Muslim, which Obama is not, is somehow a disqualification for president. Voters chose John F. Kennedy to be the first-ever Catholic president. We accepted Sen. Joseph Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew, as a viable Democratic Party vice...A Middle East regime needing change
If the Middle East is to be spared another disastrous explosion of violence, one might argue, the one regime that urgently needs changing is that of Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak. Bernard Lewis, 93, historian, scourge of Islamic radicalism and spiritual god-father of America's neocons, gave a word of advice to Israel's Prime......
Canadian cultural planners big in Abu Dhabi
Canadians Gail Lord and her husband Barry, well known around the world in museum circles, are especially big news in Abu Dhabi. She is president of Lord Cultural Resources, Inc. and he works with her. Gail studied history at the University of Toronto, but her career has been in the arts, as a critic and academic. She...Support ebbs for West’s nuclear hard line
WASHINGTON (IPS) Public support for stronger measures, including possible military strikes, to curb or destroy Iran's nuclear program has declined significantly in most countries around the world compared to 18 months ago, according to a new survey of public opinion released Tuesday by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).......