The Arab American News
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Open a pre-school, close a prison
Part 1 of a 2-part series on Early Childhood Development. The fame of Sigmund Freud hangs on a simple idea: the first five years of life are developmentally crucial. Through the care of a loving mother a newborn learns to trust adults emotionally. The way a toddler is trained to eat, sleep, stand, walk and talk — in all...Driver’s license policy changed
DEARBORN — The Office of the Michigan Secretary of State announced Wednesday that it would begin accepting driver's license applications from legal immigrants here on temporary visas. In late January, a policy implemented by Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, based on her interpretation of an opinion from Michigan Attorney General...Boxing match goes on without local stars
DEARBORN — The second major boxing event to take place in Dearborn in recent months is set for Friday, February 22 at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center, but the city's two local undefeated Arab American professional fighters are not on the card. Promoter Wessam Jawad said the event will be broadcast nationally on the Fox...Mayor upbeat about state of the city
DEARBORN — In his second State of the City Address as mayor of Dearborn, Jack O'Reilly spoke Wednesday night at the Henry Ford Centennial Library about neighborhood renewal projects, public safety initiatives and the city's efforts to attract new residents. O'Reilly cited successes in implementing programs to buy, demolish, rebuild...Ann Arbor physician loses job over politics
Supporters cite activism, employer says contract problems ANN ARBOR — The Ann Arbor doctor who was recently acquitted of criminal charges for her intervention against the handling of a subdued pro-Palestinian protestor is now facing a new challenge. She recently lost her job with the Packard Community...Authors to discuss new books at Arab American National Museum
...ADC meet will honor King, Kennedy
DEARBORN — The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) will hold its Annual National Convention, "Securing the Principles of Liberty," on June 12-15, 2008, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington , D.C. This annual event attracts Arabs and non-Arabs from around the country, who gather to discuss issues, participate in panel...Film: ‘They Call Me Muslim’
Film depicts tale of two women struggling for their individual freedom – one wants to wear hijab, other wants it off. TEHRAN — As she opened the door and welcomed me into her home on a snowy morning in Tehran, "K" (her name is withheld to protect her anonymity) — a 33-year-old mother — appeared to me as an unexpected...‘Where are you from?’
JENIN — I live in an apartment building adjoining the Arab American University - Jenin (AAUJ) on a hill surrounded by farmland and quiet villages. As I write, the wind outside my leaky windows has been howling for hours, adding to the desolation of the campus. The protracted semester, beset by student and faculty unrest, has finally...Obama for a new beginning in America
Very possibly the most important presidential elections of our lifetime will take place this November. America is in peril, and voters from all walks of life and all political orientations across all 50 states will go to the polls to show their preference for the next leader of the free world. What is of concern to me and a lot...Lobbying our way to the Promised Land
As Arab Americans across the country eulogize Senator Barak Obama's enlightened foreign policy positions and vociferously campaign for his nomination, we should understand that a president can only do so much. This is largely due to the fact that a monarchy-wary nation imposed formidable checks on the presidential powers of the executive...Iraq is still important in 2008 race
WASHINGTON — Despite polls showing that the economy has eclipsed the Iraq war as the number one issue for U.S. voters, the war itself, and as Barack Obama rightly terms it, "the mindset that got us into this war," will remain critical issues in the 2008 presidential contest. Here's why: While Iraq has largely fallen off the front...U.S.-Arabs: Finding mutual respect
DOHA — One of the useful new trends in the Middle East is the proliferation of weapons of mass conversation, exemplified by the non-stop international and regional conferences that are hosted in places like Doha, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and other aspiring capitals of talk. Some gatherings are useful and enlightening, including the fifth...A bridge between two tears
This country begets nothing but funerals. It bids farewell to one martyr and returns to the bickering and feuding while it awaits the fall of another. Neither the living nor the martyrs can unite it. This is a country that strips the martyr of his national halo. It draws limits to his blood. It turns him into the martyr of a confession,...Can psychoanalysis explain terrorism?
Sverre Varvin and Vamik D. Volkan, editors. "Violence or Dialogue?" London: International Psychoanalytic Association. 2003, 274 pages. This book tries to examine terrorism from a psychoanalytic perspective. In the final analysis, the effort fails, essentially because terrorism cannot be explained by a Freudian......
Is there truth in torture?
As consumers, we know the tough row to hoe in the struggle for truth in advertising. One thinks back to the case in the early part of the last century when one typewriter manufacturer created a "knocker," a defective product which it claimed to be that of a major competitor. Well, there are also problems with allegations made...Brits may use sharia bonds for public spending
LONDON — Britain is set to become the first Western nation to issue bonds approved by Muslim clerics in line with sharia, which outlaws conventional loans involving interest payments. But the move could see the ownership of public buildings and other assets switched into the hands of wealthy Muslim businesses and individuals, many...The Shi’a-Sunni divide: myths and reality
As the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq enters its fifth year, conflicts and political rivalries in the region appear to be assuming a sectarian edge unseen since the 1982-1989 war between Iraq and Iran. Lebanon's Sunni Muslim mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Kabbani and Shi'i Muslim mufti Abdel Amir Kabalan The debate over why this...U.S. detention of Iraqis grows without end
The United States is, once again, expanding the size of its largest detention center in Iraq. According to an October 31 report by the military paper Stars and Stripes, U.S. forces will be increasing the capacity of detainees at Camp Bucca from 20,000 to 30,000. A policeman checks the papers of newly released prisoners in......
Border breach raises fundamental questions
CAIRO (IPS) — Authorities sealed the border with the Gaza Strip earlier this month after more than a half million Palestinians flooded into Egypt's Sinai Peninsula in late January. But while most have since returned home, the episode served to highlight Egypt's tenuous control over its border with the troubled territory next door....One third of settlements on private land
Not long ago the greengrocer in Ramallah recalled — between weighing locally grown zucchini and stripped hyssop leaves — that his family owned the land on which the gas station at the old entrance to the Jewish settlement of Beit El in the West Bank is located. A Palestinian boy hurling a stone at Israeli troops He would not be......
British government deletes reference to Israel’s flouting of nuclear guidelines in Iraq dossier
The full extent of government anxiety about the state of British-Israel relations can be exposed for the first time today in a secret document seen by the Guardian. The document reveals how the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) successfully fought to keep secret any mention of Israel contained on the first draft of the...Obama pulls ahead in national polling; defeats Clinton, McCain
February 23rd, 20080 NEW YORK — Illinois Sen. Barack Obama has opened up a gaping 14-point lead over Democratic rival Senator Hillary Clinton in a national presidential preference telephone survey conducted by Zogby International for Reuters news service. Obama And while Obama leads Republican Senator John McCain in a national general election......