Study: Sleeplessness on the rise among U.S. adults
December 28th, 20180 The number of U.S. adults battling sleeplessness is on the rise according to a new long-term survey and analysis of nearly 400,000 participants, which found that one-third slept less than six hours a night. The study, undertaken by lead author Connor Sheehan of Arizona State University in Tempe and his team, collected and examined...Do women in hijabs have a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency?
December 24th, 20181 The late fall and winter months bring a whole new set of challenges with them, especially health concerns present during this time of the year. One of the biggest reasons for increased levels of the flu and other sicknesses during the fall and winter months is the pronounced lack of sunlight, exposure to which helps the human body to...Michigan announces new plan to fight opioid addiction crisis
December 21st, 20180 LANSING — The Michigan Dept. of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs has announced the first update to opioid addiction treatment rules since 1981, reducing the number of such rules from 103 to 50. The state's update and new rules will allow better access to a wider variety of licensed professionals available to assist people suffering...Life expectancy varies wildly between Michigan communities, according to new statistics
December 21st, 20180 DETROIT — The city or neighborhood in which you live can have a dramatic effect on life expectancy, according to a new statics released by the National Center for Health Statistics. Map of life expectancy in the U.S.A Life expectancy in Michigan ranges from almost 91 years in east Grand Rapids to just 62 in one neighborhood in...10 holiday safety cooking tips
December 21st, 20180 It wouldn’t be the holiday season without family, friends and food. Family gatherings are often “kitchen gatherings.” We gather there to help in food preparation and to socialize, but it can be a very dangerous place for children. Below are 10 holiday safety cooking tips from Beaumont nurse and trauma prevention coordinator...Michigan first state to lower acceptable blood lead levels for workers
December 16th, 20180 GRAND RAPIDS — Michigan workers have been granted extra protection from one of the most dangerous heavy metals, lead, according to new rules from the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA). The new rules will lower acceptable blood lead levels, replacing decades-old standards and going into effect on...Nationally recognized company brings personalized weight loss and wellness services to Dearborn, Metro Detroit
December 7th, 20180 DEARBORN — When it comes to nutrition and weight loss, temptation is all around us (not to mention ever-present clouds of stress), which makes it difficult to focus on the positive strides we make on a day-to-day basis. The big picture is never lost on the national nutrition and wellness company NutriMost, however. Guests to its...More than 12 million pounds of raw beef recalled due to possible salmonella contamination
December 7th, 20180 WASHINGTON — According to the USDA, Arizona-based meat producer JBS Tolleson, Inc. has recalled almost 6 million more pounds of raw beef products. This is an expansion of another recall that happened in October, when more than 6 million pounds of raw beef were declared potentially contaminated. Overall, JBS is recalling approximately...DMC hospitals fail federal inspections due to contaminated instruments
December 3rd, 20180 DETROIT — Detroit Receiving Hospital was under inspection again this week after it failed a federal review in October when federal investigators found multiple cases involving contaminated instruments and other infection control violations, according to an inspection report released by the federal government on Wednesday. This comes...One in 40 American children have autism, parent survey finds
December 2nd, 20180 Roughly one in 40 American children has been diagnosed with autism, and a national survey of parents suggests these kids have a harder time getting mental health services than youth with other emotional or behavioral issues. For the study, researchers analyzed parent survey data for about 43,000 children ages 3-17 from the 2016...New infrared technology women-only gym opens in Dearborn Heights
November 30th, 20180 DEARBORN HEIGHTS — Red Effect Infrared Fitness opened a new women-exclusive location on Ford Road in Dearborn Heights on Friday Nov. 23, the first of its kind for the chain with more than 300 franchises sold and in development. Allie Mallad, owner of Red Effect, said he came up with the idea two years ago just after he began the...Abstain from romaine: U.S., Canada warn of E. coli in lettuce
November 23rd, 20180 On Tuesday, public health officials in the United States and Canada warned against eating romaine lettuce while they investigate an outbreak of E. coli that has sickened 50 people in the two countries, including 13 who were hospitalized. The alerts, issued as millions of Americans plan their Thanksgiving Day menus, covered all forms...Study: Suicide rate rising among U.S. workers
November 23rd, 20180 Suicide rates are rising among U.S. workers and the risk may depend partly on the types of jobs people do, government researchers suggest. From 2000 to 2016, the U.S. suicide rate among adults ages 16 to 64 rose 34 percent, from 12.9 deaths for every 100,000 people in the population to 17.3 per 100,000, according to the study by the...Officials urge vaccination after 15 measles cases reported in Michigan
November 18th, 20180 LANSING — Health officials are urging people to get vaccinated against measles and take other precautions after confirming 15 cases in Michigan this year. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services gave an update last Friday, saying it's the highest level the state has seen since 1994 when 26 cases were...Arab American health and awareness group launched to benefit the community
November 12th, 20180 DEARBORN — Starting as an organization co-founded by sisters Mariam and Marwa Ayyash, the Arab American Health Initiative (AAHI) highlights healthcare needs, including reducing health disparities and fighting stigma within the Arab American community. The AAHI was first established in October 2016 and officially launched as a......
Health officials: Lead-tainted curry powder distributed in Michigan
November 3rd, 20180 LANSING — State health officials are urging residents to check their spice cabinets for curry powder after several brands distributed in Michigan were found to contain high levels of lead and recalled. The curry powder was distributed under several brand names, including Baraka, Butera, Corrado's, Mediterranean Specialty, Nouri's and...October is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month
October 22nd, 20180 DETROIT, Michigan — The leading contributor to infant mortality is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). SIDS is the unexplained death of a seemingly healthy baby, usually occurring during sleep among infants less than 1-year-old. As part of its Infant Mortality Reduction Plan, Michigan is promoting reducing sleep-related infant deaths...How sleep deprivation could be affecting your performance, work
October 19th, 20180 EAST LANSING — New U.S. research has highlighted some of the ways sleep deprivation can decrease our ability to complete tasks, leading to mistakes at work that can range from basic errors to costly and possibly even dangerous mistakes. Conducted by researchers at Michigan State University, the new research is the largest...Breast cancer survivor advises: “Stay positive, fight back, keep going”
October 15th, 20180 There is a yin-yang to every screening mammogram. The yang of elation is when the radiologist says your mammogram is clear. Its opposite is dark terror if you learn you have a suspicious mass. After her annual mammogram in Jan. 2017, Kimberly Palczynski, 53, of Canton, experienced a yin moment. Further diagnostic tests showed her right......
Sleep research shows how homework is harmful for students
October 7th, 20180 "More than 70 percent of high school students average less than eight hours of sleep," according to an October 1 research letter in JAMA Pediatrics ("Dose-Dependent Associations Between Sleep Duration and Unsafe Behaviors Among U.S. High School Students."), “falling short of the 8 to 10 hours that adolescents need for optimal health....Busy caring for others, doctor misses signs he developed rare form of cancer
October 6th, 20180 Cancer signs maybe evasive, don't ignore it! Runny noses are annoying. Easy to dismiss. Easily explained — allergies, a cold, the weather. And that’s exactly why Sammit Sabharwal, D.O., waited so long to seek medical attention. Now, he realizes that mistake could have cost him his eyesight, or even his life. Dr. Sabharwal was a......
Hang up on Medicare card scams
September 23rd, 20180 Scammers follow the news — and the money. A few months ago, the Federal Trade Commission shared the news that Medicare is sending new cards to everyone who gets Medicare benefits, replacing your Social Security number with another number. As expected, scammers have been trying to cash in on this change. These scammers typically...Getting to the heart of America’s diabetes crisis
September 16th, 20180 By Ken Thorpe About 30 million Americans have diabetes and an estimated 1.5 million more are diagnosed each year. More than 25 percent of seniors have diabetes and minority populations are at the greatest risk of developing this disease. African Americans, for instance, have a 77 percent higher risk of developing diabetes......