Immigration group preparing for awareness month
DEARBORN — The Alliance for Immigrants Rights & Reform (AIR) will be holding three important meetings in the month of June in regards to immigration awareness. The events will help educate immigrants and community members of their rights and acknowledge the struggles that immigrants face...Unfinished ADC Center for Civil and Human Rights posted forsale due to funding obstacles
May 28th, 20110 The ADC Center for Civil and Human Rights was recently put up for sale due to financial issues.DEARBORN – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of Michigan announced this week that the property and building for the unfinished American-Arab Center for Civil and Human Rights (ACCHR)...U.S. boat ‘The Audacity of Hope’ to sail to Gaza in June
May 28th, 20110 NEW YORK— The U.S. Boat to Gaza campaign announced earlier this month that it will send a U.S. flagged boat, "The Audacity of Hope," to Gaza in late June as part of the International Freedom Flotilla II. The passengers on the boat, which will sail from a port in the Mediterranean, are U.S. citizens from many...Appeals court rules against Dearborn in Arab Festival case
DETROIT — A federal court says it was illegal to bar a Christian evangelist from passing leaflets at the Arab International Festival in Dearborn last year according to various reports. The appeals court ruled 2-1 Thursday in the case of George Saieg of Anaheim, Calif. The decision comes less...Man accused of plotting mosque attack to have mental hearing
DETROIT — Roger Stockham, the 63-year-old man who was arrested outside of the Islamic Center of America for plotting to detonate highly-explosive fireworks earlier this year, has been ordered to undergo a mental competency test by Wayne County Judge Bruce Morrow. Stockham, who has a mental...Peace activists hold celebration of international flotilla
ANN ARBOR — Ann Arbor-based Michigan Peaceworks will sponsor a peace picnic and demonstration on Friday, June 24 to celebrate the launch of the international humanitarian flotilla bringing food and medicine to Gaza. The peace picnic will take place near Gallup Park in Ann Arbor. The...Snyder’s opposition to Arizona-style law applauded by immigrants rights groups
May 21st, 20110 DETROIT - On Thursday morning at the Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s annual public policy breakfast at the Detroit Athletic Club, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder fielded questions regarding proposed anti-immigrant legislation in Michigan.After a speech which highlighted the contributions of Hispanic and Latino businesses to...Chief Judge Rosen swears in Hammoud as Assistant U.S.Attorney in federal courtroom with large community participation
From left to right are: LIBC Founder Ned Fawaz, Publisher of The Arab American News Osama Siblani, LAHC Founder Ali Jawad, Chief Judge Gerald Rosen, Asst. U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan Abed Hammoud, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade, LAHC President attorney Sam Salamey and...Islamic Center of America raises funds, honors men forexemplary community leadership
Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad receives in recognition of providing community safety from outgoing ICA Board of Directors Chairman Dr. Afif Jawad (C) and newly-elected Chairman Jamal Dakroub. PHOTOS: Nafeh AbuNab/American Elite StudiosDEARBORN — Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad and...‘Arab Spring’ creates greater hope for liberatingPalestine
Pioneering former White House correspondent Helen Thomas (seated, bottom right in black shirt) poses with attendees at the Palestine Cultural Office's commemoration of Nakba 63. PHOTO: Nafeh AbuNabDEARBORN — Speaking before hundreds at the Palestine Cultural Office’s (PCO) annual Al-Nakba commemoration,...Arab International Festival expected to happen this yearwith help from Wayne County Sheriff’s Office
City cited budget deficit claiming cost was too high; Jones' visit not a factor The three day event's fate, which runs from Friday, June 17 through Sunday, June 19 and began in 1995, had been called into question after Dearborn Mayor Jack O'Reilly said in a budget session last Thursday night that...Chamber event highlights success, awards local professionals
Mohamed Hamieh (left) of Ford receives the American Arab of the Year in Technology Award from Dr. Daw Alwerfalli.DEARBORN — The American Arab Chamber of Commerce held its 6th Annual "Celebrating Success" Banquet presented by the American Arab Professionals Network at Greenfield Manor on Wednesday, May...Local girl trapped in Syria while visiting
Sara Alouh, who is now 11, is trapped in Syria's current state of civil unrest. Her parents are working with local and national groups to get her returned home safely.SOUTHFIELD – During a press conference at CAIR-Michigan headquarters, Flint couple Ahmad Alouh and his wife Wisam addressed the...Key Dearborn budget hearing set for June 1, May 18 sessioncanceled
Proposed budget by O'Reilly includes 42 layoffs, facility closures and sales DEARBORN — The city's budget session set for May 18 has been canceled, but the Dearborn City Council officially confirmed the date of Wednesday, June 1 at 5:30 p.m. as the public hearing for the proposed...Protesters brave strong winds, rain in support ofPalestinians on Nakba 63 at Dearborn City Hall
May 20th, 20110 Activists held banners and waved Palestinian flags on the steps of Dearborn City Hall on May 15 in commemoration of the Nakba, or "Day of Catastrophe," in Palestine. The creation of Israel led to millions of refugees. Chants of "End the occupation now!" and "Free, free Palestine!" went up from the crowd.......
Palestinian Nakba survivor recalls invasion 63 years later
May 20th, 20110 Nigem Ameen (far right) with his son Sayel and wife Fawzieh upon arriving to Michigan in the 1970s. Ameen now travels back and forth between Ramallah, Palestine, and Dearborn. Photo courtesy of Ameen familyDEARBORN — To many who participate in commemorations and rallies each year, the...Jones remains firm on plans to visit Dearborn nextmonth
DEARBORN – Terry Jones, the extremist pastor who has twice visited Dearborn to protest against what he calls "shari'a" in America, said he will visit again on June 17 regardless of whether the Arab International Festival goes through as planned. Jones, who supervised a Qur'an burning in...HFCC offers free training for defense sector jobs
DEARBORN – Henry Ford Community College’s M-TEC Division will offer free training for unemployed, underemployed, dislocated workers and veterans for the anticipated growth of defense sector employment in southeast Michigan. This training is made possible through funding from the...My Orphans holds first annual fundraising dinner
DEARBORN — My Orphans held its first annual fundraising dinner on May 13, 2011 at Bint Jebail Cultural Center in Dearborn. The organization was established as a project under the Humanitarian Services Department of the office of I.M.A.M., which is a 501c3 non-profit, to respond to the desperate......
Protest held against drone attacks in Libya
YPSILANTI — Protesters gathered outside U.S. Rep. John Dingell's office in Ypsilanti on Friday, May 13 to object to U.S. Predator drone attacks and the bombing of residential neighborhoods in Libya. These joint U.S.-NATO actions represent an escalation beyond the UN authorized no-fly zone. ...Fawaz selected to national council to help small businessesin underserved communities
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Fifteen people from across the country have been appointed to the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Council on Underserved Communities (CUC), including Dearborn's Dr. Ned Fawaz, the president of the Lebanese International Business Council. Fawaz is also......
LIBC to build new computer center for rural impoverishedyouth in Lebanon
May 20th, 20110 Attendees stand for the national anthem during a fundraising event that went toward the building of a new computer center for impoverished kids in Akkar, Lebanon.DEARBORN — The Lebanese International Business Council is planning to build a third computer center in Akkar, Lebanon. To raise money for the new...ACCESS annual service day most successful to date
DETROIT — The Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services celebrated its most successful service day to date on Saturday May 14 at Project: Hope in Detroit with about 500 volunteers. Youth packed 4,800 food boxes, planted flowers, prepared vegetable and flower beds, cleared......