Educator of the Year award given
DEARBORN Students of Fordson High School teacher Amira Kassem turn to her for guidance, not only for their writing skills, but for help with their everyday lives. "She's a friend. A lot of teachers are just teachers. She plays a role of parent away from home," said Fordson senior Abbas Alawieh. Kassem, who teaches advanced...Student group looks to empower Arabs
DEARBORN The Arab Student Union (ASU) at the University of Michigan-Dearborn is looking for businesses and community members to sponsor its third annual "Empowering the Youth" banquet. The dinner will take place on Friday, March 21, 2008 at 6 p.m. at Bint Jebail Cultural Center in Dearborn. ASU says it is an...Community News Roundup
ACC announces scholarship awards SOUTHFIELD The Arab American and Chaldean Council (ACC) has announced its 6th Annual Scholarship Awards Program, which provides financial assistance to graduating high school students pursuing a higher education. Applicants must be a high school senior with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, who has...City officals urge residents to stay safe
DEARBORN In a presentation on personal and home safety given by Dearborn Police at the Esper Branch Library on Wednesday, officials implored a group of about 40 people to keep their heads up, their doors locked and the city's new neighborhood watch telephone number on hand. "The city of Dearborn is a safe city but we have to do...Move cars off street during Public Service Days in Dearborn
DEARBORN A change is on the way regarding Dearborns Public Service Days program. Launched in January, Public Service Days promote cleaner neighborhoods in Dearborn. But, in order for city crews to deliver services in the most efficient manner on those Public Service Days, residents need to keep their parked vehicles off the...Michigan’s sluggish economy not getting in the way of stores’ growth
March 1st, 20080 Johnny Karmo knows his 'Market' Some people seem to have a natural talent for their occupation. They can find success where others have struggled almost as if they have special built-in job-related instincts. Johnny Karmo is a grocer with a natural talent for his industry. His three suburban Detroit...$100 million effort to strengthen Southeast Michigan economy
DETROIT As part of a major regional initiative to foster economic growth, the New Economy Initiative for Southeast Michigan (NEI) is accepting grant applications from nonprofit organizations for projects that will help accelerate the transition of Metro Detroit to an innovation-based economy. The New Economy Initiative, a joint...Midamar brings halal meat to Detroit
New source is in one of oldest communities in America DEARBORN Members of one of the oldest and most obscure Arab American communities in the country are connecting with the Detroit-area as they work to put halal meat from Iowa on local dinner tables. Cedar Rapids, Iowa is home to one of the first mosques established in the...Seven tax tips to put more in your pocket
Taxpayers can find tax breaks in charitable donations, private mortgage insurance, and higher education, experts say. There weren't many changes with income-tax legislation in 2007, but there's always something going on in Washington an odd twist here or a screwball trap there. So it pays to, well, pay attention to...New security certificates issued
On February 22, the Canadian government issued new security certificates against the five Muslim men previously cited. However, they did not reissue a certificate against Manickavasangam Suresh, a Tamil supposedly linked to the Tamil Tigers. This time, the government amplified the reasons for the certificates. The...Dearborn Rotary Club awards second annual Hugh M. Archer Memorial Scholarship
DEARBORN Abbas Alawieh, a senior at Fordson High School, received the second annual Hugh M. Archer Memorial Scholarship presented by the Dearborn Rotary Club. Rotarian Lee Hollmann, chair of this year's scholarship selection committee, presented the $2,000 award to Alawieh at the Club's weekly luncheon meeting. Among those...Group to examine minority mental health issues
WATERFORD A panel discussion on minority mental health taking place here February 25, will explore issues unique to people of different ethnic groups. Professionals and mental health advocates will examine and discuss mental health risk factors; identify ways to effectively deal with service disparities; and address the substance...Show provides early glimpse of Spring
DETROIT When the Michigan Home and Garden Show opens at Ford Field March 7 9, winter weary homeowners will be ready to enjoy the show's beautiful gardens and landscapes and start thinking spring. "Show goers will discover the newest and best ideas and trends to enhance their homes' beauty and functionality from the inside...Open a pre-school, close a prison
Part 1 of a 2-part series on Early Childhood Development. The fame of Sigmund Freud hangs on a simple idea: the first five years of life are developmentally crucial. Through the care of a loving mother a newborn learns to trust adults emotionally. The way a toddler is trained to eat, sleep, stand, walk and talk in all...Driver’s license policy changed
DEARBORN The Office of the Michigan Secretary of State announced Wednesday that it would begin accepting driver's license applications from legal immigrants here on temporary visas. In late January, a policy implemented by Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, based on her interpretation of an opinion from Michigan Attorney General......
Boxing match goes on without local stars
DEARBORN The second major boxing event to take place in Dearborn in recent months is set for Friday, February 22 at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center, but the city's two local undefeated Arab American professional fighters are not on the card. Promoter Wessam Jawad said the event will be broadcast nationally on the Fox...Mayor upbeat about state of the city
DEARBORN In his second State of the City Address as mayor of Dearborn, Jack O'Reilly spoke Wednesday night at the Henry Ford Centennial Library about neighborhood renewal projects, public safety initiatives and the city's efforts to attract new residents. O'Reilly cited successes in implementing programs to buy, demolish, rebuild...Ann Arbor physician loses job over politics
Supporters cite activism, employer says contract problems ANN ARBOR The Ann Arbor doctor who was recently acquitted of criminal charges for her intervention against the handling of a subdued pro-Palestinian protestor is now facing a new challenge. She recently lost her job with the Packard Community...Authors to discuss new books at Arab American National Museum
ADC meet will honor King, Kennedy
DEARBORN The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) will hold its Annual National Convention, "Securing the Principles of Liberty," on June 12-15, 2008, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington , D.C. This annual event attracts Arabs and non-Arabs from around the country, who gather to discuss issues, participate in panel...Can psychoanalysis explain terrorism?
Sverre Varvin and Vamik D. Volkan, editors. "Violence or Dialogue?" London: International Psychoanalytic Association. 2003, 274 pages. This book tries to examine terrorism from a psychoanalytic perspective. In the final analysis, the effort fails, essentially because terrorism cannot be explained by a Freudian......
Is there truth in torture?
As consumers, we know the tough row to hoe in the struggle for truth in advertising. One thinks back to the case in the early part of the last century when one typewriter manufacturer created a "knocker," a defective product which it claimed to be that of a major competitor. Well, there are also problems with allegations made...Volleyball star gets nationwide exposure
DEARBORN Growing up here, Mayssa Bazzi always had a love affair with sports as well as great confidence in her abilities. But even though she knew she was one of the best volleyball players in the city while at Dearborn High School, she never thought she'd one day see her picture in the pages of perhaps the most famous sports magazine......