My Beit Daras, my Nakba: Two Palestinian intellectuals reminisce about their destroyed village
May 15th, 20200 Dr. Ghada Ageel and Dr. Ramzy Baroud have more in common than their scholarly research on Palestinian history and politics. They are both refugees and the direct descendants of Palestinian refugees who were expelled from their historic village of Beit Daras at gunpoint during the catastrophic events that led to the Palestinian Nakba of...Changes in the bankruptcy code offer a lifeline to struggling businesses amid the COVID-19 pandemic
May 11th, 20200 Almost all countries around the world are forced to adopt dramatic measures to slow down the COVID 19 pandemic. With social distancing in place by public health departments, we are all part of the fight to combat this pandemic. These measures have severely impacted the global economy in various ways. Small businesses will suffer the...Ilhan Omar’s signature is more than disappointing, it’s shameful
May 8th, 20202 This week, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, chaired by Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, urging him to increase "diplomatic action by the United States to renew the expiring United Nations arms embargo against Iran and United Nations travel restrictions on those Iranian individuals involved...Dearborn’s mayor should’ve been transparent about having COVID-19
May 1st, 20201 On Wednesday, Dearborn Mayor Jack O'Reilly announced on Facebook that he and his wife were dealing with the coronavirus and the city’s many residents were happy to hear that they had recovered from the terrible virus, safe and strong. “Although I am a public figure, I am someone, like many of you, who values personal and family...Opinion: Reasons for hope in a dark time
April 30th, 20200 We are living in a difficult time. Our country and its communities are deeply polarized; many Americans distrust one another as well as the government and other institutions. The novel coronavirus has deepened our problems in a way none of us imagined. The number of Americans who have contracted COVID-19 has surpassed a million. Tens...We need to do our part in fighting the coronavirus
April 29th, 20200 As the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic spreads around the world, it is important that we all realize the impact that this virus has had on essential workers and low-wage laborers who support the global consumer economy. There are people who are still getting up and going to work every day, so that we can all enjoy the...He’s got virus tests, but the state won’t take them
April 27th, 20200 Gov. Whitmer said reopening Michigan's economy is slowed by a shortage of COVID-19 tests to screen employees reentering workplaces, and she blames the Trump administration for not responding to states' needs. Dearborn businessman Ali Siblani said he can make all the test swabs Michigan requires and he blames the state bureaucracy for...A Machiavellian fiasco: How ‘centrist’ Gantz resurrected Netanyahu, Israel’s right
April 22nd, 20200 It was intended to be a Machiavellian move, but the decision by Benny Gantz, leader of Israel’s Kahol Lavan (Blue and White) coalition, to join a Benjamin Netanyahu-led government is likely to destabilize the political fabric of Israeli society for years to come. In a surprising move, Gantz has entered into precarious political...How Congress has changed
April 22nd, 20200 If you feel like Congress has become less productive, less functional and more partisan… you’re right. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how it’s changed over the years since I served there in the ‘60s to the ‘90s, and several issues help explain why it often struggles to get things done. Heightened partisanship may...Making America safe again starts with humility and selflessness
April 16th, 20200 As a nurse who practiced end-of-life care, helping families and hospitals negotiate medical ethics, I am appalled by the lack of competence and courage in the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. Our piecemeal strategy lacks the humility to effectively adapt as the virus evolves. It fails miserably in empowering and protecting...Outdated regulations hamper charitable giving when the world needs it most
April 16th, 20200 Americans generously donate more than $427 billion annually to charities—a powerful driver of positive impact as communities across the country, including in Michigan, respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Charitable giving plays a vital role in supporting high-need communities, both at home and abroad. Religious faith often plays a role...Spreading the virus of occupation: Spitting as a weapon in the hand of colonial Israel
April 15th, 20200 Spitting at someone is a universal insult. In Israel, however, spitting at Palestinians is an entirely different story. Now that we know the deadly coronavirus can be transmitted through saliva droplets, Israeli soldiers and illegal Jewish settlers are working extra hard to spit at as many Palestinians, their cars, doorknobs and so...Staying home is our only weapon against COVID-19
April 15th, 20200 I’m accustomed to fighting violent crime, arresting career criminals and implementing police policy to positively impact the lives of others. But COVID-19 is not a problem that one person alone can tackle. If we’re going to beat this deadly virus we must do it together. I desperately urge every Michigander to use unity as our weapon...Coronavirus: Can business owners that are forced to close or limit operations recover their income losses?
April 2nd, 20200 By Rabih Hamawi, JD Over the past week, I have received many calls from business owners asking if they may recover business income losses because they have been forced to temporarily suspend or limit their business operations due to COVID-19. The answer is simple: It depends. It depends on the language in the insurance policy,...‘Zionist’ Biden in his own words: ‘My name is Joe Biden, and everybody knows I love Israel’
March 18th, 20204 "I am a Zionist. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist," current Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden, said in April 2007, soon before he was chosen to be Barack Obama’s running mate in the 2008 elections. Biden is, of course, correct, because Zionism is a political movement that is rooted in 20th century nationalism......
With justice and equality as central issues, Bernie Sanders is the best choice for president
March 6th, 20200 As of Thursday, there are now three candidates vying for the position of 2020 Democratic presidential nominee and on March 10, Democratic voters in Michigan will decide which of these candidates they want to lead the nation in the White House. The Arab American News has been fortunate enough to be the community's voice for more than 35...‘The Donald Trump I know’: Abbas’ U.N. speech and the breakdown of Palestinian politics
February 25th, 20200 A precious moment has been squandered, as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas had the chance to right a historical wrong by reinstating Palestinian national priorities at the United Nations Security Council on February 11, through a political discourse that is completely independent from Washington and its allies. For a long...Crisis and opportunity: The ‘Deal of the Century’ challenge for Palestinians
February 5th, 20200 After several postponements, President Trump has finally revealed the details of his Middle East plan, dubbed “Deal of the Century”, in a press conference in Washington on January 28. Standing triumphantly beside Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must have surely understood that the timing of the announcement, only...Trump’s Israel-Palestine “peace” plan violates international law
February 1st, 20200 By Stephen Zunes, Truthout Donald Trump’s long-awaited “deal of the century” between Israel and Palestine essentially gives Israel’s far right coalition government everything it wanted. This Middle East “peace” deal allows Israel to annex vast stretches of the Palestinian West Bank (which has been under......
The newly formed Lebanese cabinet deserves a chance
January 24th, 20200 By Ghassan Michel Rubeiz* A popular uprising forced the resignation of the Lebanese prime minister and his cabinet last October. But a strong self-serving government and a very unpopular parliament are still operating with full force. The uprising has a long way to go to achieve its aspirations for a radical change in the political...The jeopardy of media bias against Palestine
January 22nd, 20200 Jeopardy! is an American television game show that has been on the air for decades, with nearly 8,000 episodes to date. It is a trivia competition that quizzes contestants on general knowledge, and they receive cash rewards for each correct response. In a recently broadcasted episode recorded a few months ago, one question asked......
A third choice for the Lebanese crisis
January 16th, 20200 How did Lebanon end up on the brink of financial collapse? A country that many have called in the past the Switzerland of the Middle East and the birthplace of Khalil Gibran and Kamel Al-Sabbah. With the third largest shipping company (CMA-CGM) in the world belonging to a Lebanese family, the country benefits from one of the richest...Fixing the system is up to all of us
January 15th, 20200 You no doubt remember the old line attributed to Ben Franklin when he was asked what kind of government the Constitutional Convention had created: “A republic, if you can keep it!” Well, I’ve noticed an interesting thing in recent years: It’s got bi-partisan appeal. Last fall, for instance, within a few weeks of each other,......