DETROIT — Mayor Mike Duggan is expanding vaccination eligibility to food service employees, grocery store workers, janitors and security guards who live or work in the city.
Regardless of age, any employee of these industries can call to schedule an appointment to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the TCF Center.
“Food service workers play a critical role in our economy and touch all of our lives, so I’m pleased that we are now able to offer the vaccine to them,” Duggan said. “This new expansion potential allows even more Detroiters and essential workers greater access to the vaccination and hopefully keeps another group of frontline workers protected from this terrible disease.”
This is the fifth expansion since the city opened the TCF center vaccination site.
Any resident of Detroit who is 65 or older, K-12 teachers and support staff, daycare workers, employees of the city who are working from their regular job site, state and federal law enforcement working in the city, members of the clergy interacting with members of their congregation, funeral home and mortuary employees working in the city and paid or unpaid persons in healthcare settings are also eligible for the vaccine in Detroit.
The city has received nearly 40,000 doses of the vaccine and administered 18,444.
To schedule an appointment, eligible residents and employees can call 313-230-0505.
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