OCCUPIED JERUSALEM – Israel has moved forward plans to build more than 2,000 new housing units in six West Bank settlements, a defense official told AFP Thursday, March 20.
Guy Inbar, a spokesman for the defense ministry unit responsible for civilian affairs in the Palestinian territories, said a ministry committee at a hearing last month had furthered existing plans for 2,269 homes.
He confirmed claims by anti-settlements Israeli group Peace Now about decisions on two sets of projects, which the watchdog said the committee had examined on February 19.
In the first case, the committee approved for validation 1,015 units in Leshem, Beit El and Almog, meaning the only remaining formality for their final approval is the okay of Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon.
The same committee approved for deposit 1,254 units in Ariel, Shvut Rachel and Shavei Shomron, meaning those projects will now be published in the media for public comment before returning to the committee for further discussion.
On Wednesday, a municipal committee gave final approval for plans to build 186 new homes in annexed east Jerusalem.
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