The democratic system is the best governing system in the world, because it gives you a choice. The only problem is that the choice is between two negatives. It is like telling you: “You are getting ready to get slapped. Which hand do you want to get slapped with? The left hand or the right?” And the mainstream media gets you so involved in the merits of the left and the perils of the right, or vice-versa, that you forget the original question, and are always surprised when you ultimately get slapped! The blame always comes back to you, the stupid voter. And that is the genius of democracy: the voters are ultimately to blame.
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A student protesting about the global financial crisis and against the US Federal Reserve Board demonstrates outside the third and final presidential debate between Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, October 15, 2008. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton |
Nathaniel Mayer Anselm Rothschild said: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws…”
The real issue of “freedom” is who gets to issue the money of the country. This great nation has produced only two presidents who had the courage to stand up to the banking system and take control of issuing its own federal money, and they were both assassinated for the same reason, by the same method.
Abraham Lincoln, in 1862, issued $450 million worth of debt-free greenbacks to conduct the Civil War. Re-elected in 1864, he promised to attack the power of the bankers, as soon as the war was over.
In 1865, Lord Goschen, spokesman for the Rothschilds, the English bankers, wrote in the London Times: “If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then the government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865, less than three months after that article appeared in print. 1863 was the last time federal money was issued, until President John F. Kennedy attempted it again, 100 years later in 1963.
President Kennedy understood the grip of the Fed on the government with all its branches and dictating its domestic and foreign policy. But he couldn’t understand why the Federal Government had to guarantee their money, then turn around and borrow it from them with interest. Thomas Addison explained it well when he said: “If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good also. It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30 million in bonds, and not $30 million in currency. Both are promises to pay, but one promise fattens the usurer, and the other helps the people.”
On June 4, 1963, President Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110, directing the U.S. Secretary of Treasury to issue the Silver Certificates, against the Silver Bullion, not the Gold Standard that was used by the Fed. Practically a debt-free currency distributed directly through the U.S. Treasury, not the Fed banking system, and more important, to be issued debt-free and interest-free directly to the people. At the time $4,292,893 of that currency was put into circulation, before he was assassinated on Friday November 22, 1963, five months after his order. The currency was bought back by the Fed, right after his assassination.
His brother Robert Kennedy carried the same flag when he ran for president. His campaign was about social justice, economic equality and decentralization of the centers of power. All code names for breaking the Fed because that is the only way these goals could be achieved. Bobby Kennedy was shot June 5, 1968 on the 5th anniversary, to the date, of his brother’s order 11110 (June 4, 1963). What a coincidence!
All three assassins had to be picked to fit the “hate profile” of the public at the time. A “southerner,” after the civil war, a “Communist sympathizer,” during the Cold War, and a Palestinian, to justify the 1967 Israeli attack on the Arabs. Sirhan Sirhan (a name that literally means “dazed and confused”) is the only one who survived, and till today says he doesn’t know how he got to The Ambassador Hotel, nor how the gun got into his hand! And the fatal shot to Bobby Kennedy came from behind his right ear, physically impossible to have come from Sirhan’s gun that was in front of him, not behind him!
These are not conspiracy theories, these are the facts. Assassination though is a last resort, only after character assassination attempts fail. Ron Paul running for president on the Republican ticket was excluded from most debates, and whenever he started talking about the Fed being the problem, the moderator told him to “hold on to that thought” and went into a commercial break. In his book “The Revolution, a Manifesto,” he has a chapter titled “Money: The Forbidden Issue in American Politics,” in which he says : “Americans are deprived of a full and fruitful debate on a subject of the utmost importance. The entire range of debate is limited to minor tinkering: Should the Fed make this trivial adjustment or that one?”
The collapse of world-wide stock markets is not because of a “credit crunch” or “toxic assets” or “people buying homes they can’t afford.” It is because of a Democratic system that voted in a session on December 22, 1913, to give the Fed a monopoly on issuing the money of the people, where they have to borrow it back from them with interest that could never be repaid!
So the question today shouldn’t be whether we are going to have a recession or a depression, because we don’t have to have either. All we have to do is repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and write off all those debts that were created out of nothing but printing paper, in a system where the more we produce, the deeper we get in debt as the Domestic National Product and world oil are the covers for the dollar value!
World governments are understanding this concept, and they’re moving in to let their treasury departments take over their central banks. In Britain and Australia that is beginning to take place. In France, the finance minister said that the current debt-money system cannot work, and the problem is with the current world financial system that was created by the Fed internationally, as an extension of their system, through the International Monetary Fund and The World Bank.
Presidential candidate Senator Barak Obama, a professor of constitutional law, knows the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was unconstitutional, and knows the only way to move this country in the right direction is through change, that is, changing its monetary system. That is the only way they can afford to provide health insurance, good education, green energy, and all the programs that needed in this country. The only way is for the government to print its own money, where they will have all the money they need without faling into debt with the Fed. Obama said that he wrote a letter to Henry Paulson, the secretary of treasury, asking him to take a more active role in resolving the financial crisis. All kinds of character assassination attempts have been tried to discredit Senator Obama. The Kennedy clan has put their support behind him. He’s calling for changing the way things work in Washington. A code phrase for dismantling the Fed. Now the question is, will he be allowed to get elected president, or will he be assassinated by a right-wing, white-supremacist Nazi?
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